Tooth hole treatment. Video
A hole in a tooth is nothing more than the result of the work of carious bacteria, which are found in abundance in the human oral cavity. And there are quite a few reasons for their appearance. Ideally, the hole should be treated as soon as it appears. But many people pull to the last and go to the doctor only when their teeth have already been seriously damaged.
Determining the hole in the tooth on your own is quite problematic. That is why it is recommended to visit the dentist every six months in order to track changes in the tooth enamel in time. However, there are a number of indirect signs that indicate that the tooth is already unhealthy. For example, the appearance of pain on hot, cold, simply inhaled air. Unpleasant sensations indicate that the tooth has lost its integrity, is affected by bacteria, and the holes are already quite deep that they reach the nerves. When the first symptoms of this kind appear, you must immediately go to the dentist so that the situation does not worsen.
Ideally, teeth are straight and smooth. However, over time, a small film remains on them, which forms as a result of the consumption of food and drinks. If it is not peeled off or not completely removed, it will harden. Such a film will be strengthened due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria actively multiply on its surface. As a result of their vital activity, holes appear in the teeth. This process becomes the cause of the development of caries. It has several stages of development. On the first, a small speck appears on the surface of the tooth, which may not be noticeable to the eye of a non-specialist. It is usually white or brown in color.
The main danger of this stage is that there is no pain yet.
Further superficial caries begins to be noted. At this moment, discomfort and pain may already appear. A hole in a tooth appears at the third stage of the development of caries (at first it is, of course, a small hole). The pain naturally intensifies. Further, the hole only expands and deepens and becomes black. As a result, the pain becomes even stronger, and experts call this condition deep caries. If you do not consult a doctor, the causative agents of caries – microbes – will penetrate into the pulp and kill the tooth from the inside. The main danger of this process is that the adjacent tooth can be easily damaged.
Often people think that if you brush your teeth more thoroughly when a hole appears, it will not grow. But this is a gross mistake. After all, no brush can clean out micro cracks in the tooth. As a result, destruction will continue
Often, as doctors note, there is also a situation when a double hole appears on the tooth. It can easily appear anywhere, including on the front teeth. Usually, the reason for the appearance of such a defect is the fact that food is stuck between the teeth. Over time, it begins to decompose and rot, and the decay process already causes damage to the tooth. It is useless to think that such a hole will be overgrown.
It is quite possible to prevent the development of double holes. To do this, it is enough to use special dental floss and toothpicks after each meal. They will help remove excess food from the interdental space.
The main reasons for the development of caries
Traditionally, it is believed that the main cause of tooth decay is the excessive consumption of sweets. In fact, this is not the case. It’s just that sugar, chocolate and other goodies are categorized as carbohydrate foods. They dissolve quickly enough in the mouth and enter the stomach. But due to their sweet texture, they are a favorite delicacy of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, after consuming sweets, it is necessary to carefully observe oral hygiene in order to remove traces of sweets from the teeth. Then the growth of bacteria will slow down. And if you wash down a chocolate bar with sweet soda, it will become a serious test for your oral cavity.
It should be remembered that holes are most often formed between teeth.
How to heal a hole in a tooth
This is due to the fact that the teeth themselves adjoin each other quite tightly and food particles get stuck in the cracks. The brush, on the other hand, is often simply not able to get them from there. As a result, decay processes begin, and imperfections in the tooth appear. This, of course, does not mean at all that you can brush your teeth anyhow. You just need to additionally use drugs that will help cope with the problem. For example, use a mouthwash. Alternatively, you can use regular chewing gum, but no longer than 5 minutes after a meal.
Pros of a timely visit to the dentist
There are many advantages to overcoming your fear or finding a window in your busy schedule and going to the doctor. For example, you have a chance to save a tooth. After all, the more actively the bacteria are in it, the more difficult it is to restore it. Quite often, delaying a visit to the doctor leads to purulent inflammation of the gums, when the tooth simply cannot be saved. The cost of replacing a native with an artificial one will be pretty decent.
Modern dentistry is completely painless
After all, drugs for pain relief almost immediately desensitize the area where they were injected. Therefore, during the procedure, you will not even feel anything. And if you arrive on time, when caries is in the first two stages and the pulp is not yet damaged, anesthesia will not be needed at all, since the nerve is not yet damaged, and the tooth itself, by definition, cannot hurt.
The time to visit a doctor at the first stage is also noticeably reduced.
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