Too High Cholesterol: Should You Be Worried?

To fully understand what cholesterol is
Article written by Catherine Conan, dietitian
Let’s rehabilitate it cholesterol because it is a substance essential to life. Indeed, at normal dose, it participates in the manufacture of cells of the brain, heart, skin, etc., of certain hormones including sex hormones, in the synthesis of vitamin D necessary for the fixation of calcium on the bone. But beware: there is cholesterol and cholesterol.
Total cholesterol in the blood, which is carried as lipoprotein, is the sum of HDL cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein) or “good cholesterol”, and LDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) or “bad cholesterol”.
The LDL lipoproteins ensure the transport and distribution of cholesterol to all cells in the body. In excess, they promote the formation of atheromatous plaque (atherosclerosis). As for HDL, they are beneficial because they do the opposite by taking charge of the excess cholesterol in the cells towards the liver. The HDL lipoproteins therefore protect cardiovascular health.
Too low an HDL cholesterol level or an excessively high LDL cholesterol level exposes you to coronary artery disease (= heart disease).
What influences cholesterolemia?
- Genetic factors likehypercholesterolemia family and (quite rare case);
- An unbalanced diet showing a excess saturated fatty acid intake ;
- Dietary intake of cholesterol. However, you should know that most of the cholesterol in our body is made by the liver;
- Individual variations. While for some, a diet rich in cholesterol induces regulatory mechanisms to fight against the excessive increase in blood cholesterol levels, for others, it is much more difficult to spontaneously balance the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and food intake.