Tomato Konigsberg: description
Tomato “Golden Konigsberg” is an interesting variety with elongated large fruits of bright yellow color. It is suitable for growing in all regions of Russia. In cold climates, it grows better in greenhouse conditions. Yellow tomatoes of this variety are very tasty and are in demand among amateurs.
Description of the variety of tomato “Golden Konigsberg”
Tomato “Golden Konigsberg” was bred by breeders of Siberia and registered in the State Register in 2005. The variety has an average ripening period with a growing season of up to 115 days. Crop from one bush is harvested from 2 to 4 kilograms.
Tomato “Golden Konigsberg” has an elongated orange fruit
Tomatoes grow quite large, the weight of one fruit is 200-300 grams or more. The pulp is fleshy, tender, with a delicious taste and special aroma. Bright orange peel resembles persimmon in color
The ripe crop is used for making salads and for canning. For their extraordinary sweet taste, tomatoes of this variety are also called Siberian apricots.
A distinctive feature of the variety is the leaves drooping vertically to the ground. They are rare, resemble potato leaves. The bushes are thin and fragile with a strong root system. Tomatoes grow in clusters of 5-6 pieces each.
For seedlings, seeds are sown 2 months before the planned planting of plants in a permanent place. To improve seed germination, they are treated with growth stimulants. Stimulant treatment is also applied to adult plants to increase the amount of yield.
The tomato is tall, the height of the bushes in the greenhouse can reach 2 meters, and in the open field up to one and a half meters. It is advisable to pinch the top after tying the 6th or 8th cluster of fruits. The stepchildren are removed every 2 weeks until the first brush is tied. The bush is usually formed into 1 or 2 stems.
When growing, the plant needs a garter, weeding and watering. For good fruiting, it is necessary to make enhanced organic and mineral fertilizing.
Thanks to the unusual leaves, the bushes of the “Golden Koenigsberg” tomato are very compact, but they cannot be planted tightly. Usually, no more than 1 plants are placed per square meter.
The variety is not resistant to diseases and in unfavorable damp weather it can easily get sick with late blight. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive fungicide treatments.
The characteristics of the “Golden Koenigsberg” tomato can be expressed in a few words – it is the most delicious of all yellow tomatoes. The hassle of growing, feeding and tying the bushes will pay off with a wonderful harvest.