Today is the best day of the year to have a first date

Today is the best day of the year to have a first date


Forget about Valentine’s Day or meeting your crush in the summer. Definitely, the ideal time is the first Sunday in January, and also at 14:XNUMX p.m.!

Today is the best day of the year to have a first date

In the New Year’s resolutions there is room for everything: from starting a healthier life where a sports routine and a healthier diet are carried out, to knowing new countries and trying new cultures. And in this interest by live something unprecedented, there are those who seek to find love. But apparently it is not necessary to wait many months or to plant in spring, when the blood, they say, is most altered, to find the love of your life. According to the experts of the Meetic reunion application, the first sunday of the year It is the best day to go on a first date.

Against the common idea that on Valentine’s Day or in summer we are more receptive to love, Meetic, the online dating app, reveals that on the first Sunday of the year there are more chances to start dating someone. So forget about sweet love from the movies and in the signs of Cupid’s fate because this January 5 is the most propitious day to find the love of your life. This is shown by the application, which ensures that the love messages that singles in Spain send on the first Sunday of the year far exceed those sent on Valentine’s Day; specifically, 17% more.

Regardless of the outside temperature, whether it rains or snows, or the latest rush of holiday gifts, singles get more romantic on the first Sunday of the year. We could say that the romantics are modern and extravagant to justify this date; but the reality behind this sentimentality is the numbers. And the numbers are not deceiving.

Love comes with the end of Christmas

In Spain, on January 6, 2019, the Singles 145% more visitors visited the Meetic app than on other occasions. Regarding rush hour, one in five Spanish singles registered on the application at 14:00 p.m.

Furthermore, the day on which the most matches took place also coincides with the first Sunday of the start of the year; and visits to the portal increased 23% compared to the usual average for the rest of the days. In January 2019, the number of registrations in this network that unites people increased by 44% compared to the same month of the previous year.

And it is that neither hearts, Cupid’s arrows, chocolates or bouquets of valentine flowers They can handle the first Sunday of January, which is situated as the one of the exhibitionism of love. The love messages that were sent in Spain on January 6 were 17% higher than those sent by the Valentine; and of all of them, 58% were sent by men

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