Third month of pregnancy
The condition of the fetus at 3 months
At the start of this third month of pregnancy (11 weeks), the fetus measures 4 cm and weighs about ten grams.
Little by little his head, still very large compared to the rest of his body, straightens up. His face is modeled and now has a human appearance. Internal organs continue to develop, while its skeleton continues to form and its limbs lengthen. The nails grow, the muscles are strengthened. The sex glands of the 3 month old fetus secrete hormones and the genitals are set up. At 14 WA, the sex becomes identifiable: if it is a boy, he now has a penis. If it’s a girl, the ovaries begin to descend into the abdomen. The appendages – placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic cavity – are permanently put in place and will provide for the nutritional and respiratory needs of the baby until the end of the pregnancy.
At the end of this third month of pregnancy (15 weeks), the fetus measures 12 cm and weighs 65 g. His sucking reflex is on: he swallows amniotic fluid that he rejects via his kidneys, which are now functional (1) (2).
Changes in a mother who is 3 months pregnant
The evils of 3rd month of pregnancy persistent :
- nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting
- constipation
- hypersalivation
- heartburn
- tiredness
- irritability
- shortness of breath on exertion due to increased heart rate (due to increased blood volume)
However, this third month of pregnancy will see these ailments dissipate which, in the majority of expectant mothers, disappear at the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
3 months pregnant, the uterus is now the size of a grapefruit, so the belly begins to show. It goes back up into the abdominal cavity, so that it no longer compresses the bladder. Frequent urges to urinate disappear.
Things to do or prepare for when you’re 3 months pregnant
- If not already done, do the first compulsory prenatal check-up (before the end of the 3th month of pregnancy)
- perform the various examinations prescribed during this consultation
- send the declaration of pregnancy established at the end of this consultation
- do the first ultrasound (between 11 WA AND 13 WA + 6 days)
- take blood for serum markers for screening for trisomy 21 (between 8 and 14 weeks). Associated with the mother’s age and the measurement of the nuchal translucency of the fetus on ultrasound, this dosage makes it possible to assess the risk of trisomy 21. In France, this screening is not compulsory.
- register at the maternity ward or birth center
- update your Carte Vitale in order to benefit from the coverage of pregnancy examinations
- à 3 month pregnant, it is possible to inform your employer: the law does not impose any time limit but it is preferable to do it early in order to benefit from the rights of the pregnant woman (possibility of going during her working time to medical appointments pregnancy) and any contractual provisions. This can be done orally or in writing (registered with acknowledgment of receipt) and must be accompanied by a medical certificate indicating the PAD.
- a woman month pregnant 3 can begin to find out about childcare arrangements from the town hall of his town, the early childhood service and possibly the personnel service of his company.
What diet for a pregnancy at 3 months?
Nutrition is more important than ever for a pregnant woman. Meals should be varied and balanced to promote good growth of the baby at 3 months pregnant. If this was not the case before, good eating habits should be adopted from the start of pregnancy. On the other hand, you should avoid eating for two, because it promotes too much weight gain. Wife pregnant with 3 mes should make sure to stay hydrated to help build up amniotic fluid and the placenta. Drinking enough water also helps maintain gastric and intestinal comfort. In addition, water prevents the onset of urinary tract infections, which should be wary of during pregnancy.
Omega 3 is the ally of the mother-to-be at the start of the 3th month of pregnancy and until term. This essential fatty acid participates in the development of the nervous system of the baby as well as in the growth of the cells of the eyes. Omega 3 is found in fish from the sea. It is best to eat small fish because they have less mercury. The latter can be harmful for the development of the baby if it is ingested in too large a quantity. The fish to favor during pregnancy are herring, anchovies or sardines. It is recommended to avoid consuming raw fish, just like raw milk cheese, to prevent listeriosis. This pathology is rather rare, but can have serious consequences for the fetus.
- It’s time to change your wardrobe and invest in some special pregnancy outfits.
- during pregnancy, any fever should be consulted. A potentially dangerous infection for the fetus must be ruled out.
- it is important to drink enough throughout the day to limit the risk of urinary tract infection, which is common during pregnancy
- in the event of bleeding, consult without delay.
- as soon as the pregnancy certificate has been established and throughout the pregnancy, it is possible to make an early recognition of the baby in town hall for unmarried couples.