These foods make you sweat more. Avoid them in hot weather

The heat wave has begun. We sweat much more than usual. Therefore, we should take a closer look at our diet and exclude products that cause even more sweating. What to avoid on hot days?

  1. Excessive sweating on hot days makes us all feel strongly
  2. Increased sweating can have many causes, especially if it occurs also on less hot days
  3. However, it is worth knowing that our diet is also related to sweating
  4. What other products make us sweat more? We list them below
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

These foods cause excessive sweating

We sweat mainly after eating hot dishes, as well as warm drinks. They raise the temperature inside the body, so he protects himself against it by activating the cooling mechanism.

We also sweat after eating spicy or spicy foods. Capsaicin contained in paprika or piperine present in pepper make blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases and temperature rises, first around the face and head, and then the whole body. If you want to sweat less after a meal, limit pepper, hot peppers, salt, ginger, turmeric, mustard, and spicy sauces and mixes – tabasco and curry.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

Sweating is also intensified by foods rich in proteins and animal fats, fast food and highly processed ready meals, high in calories and having a high glycemic index, such as chocolate and sweets.

Alcohol works like spicy foods, when consumed, circulation increases and body temperature rises. Alcohol is toxic to our body, so it does everything to get rid of it, including through sweat.

More safe stimulants, such as coffee or strong tea, also increase sweating. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate and stimulates the sweat glands.

Bad smell of sweat

An additional unpleasant element may also be the specific smell of our sweat. The smell is influenced, among others, by vegetables with an intense aroma, such as garlic, onion or leek, but also those that have a less intense aroma, but are rich in sulfur compounds: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower or asparagus.

The unpleasant smell is also caused by spicy spices, dishes rich in animal fats and proteins, and alcohol.

How to reduce perspiration

To counteract excessive sweating, we should increase our consumption of fruit, raw vegetables and fiber-rich foods. For example, cucumber, tomato juice (we supplement with potassium), banana or apple will work great.

Spicy spices should be replaced with fresh herbs and plants, such as mint, coriander, sage, nettle, lemon balm, horsetail, fennel and anise. They can be used as an addition to dishes, we can also make juices or infusions based on them. Lemon and lime juice and vinegar can also help.

And let’s not forget to drink a lot of water, and if we sweat extremely profusely – water with electrolytes.

Check the level of electrolytes in your body by doing the test in the package for ladies – Women’s health check – diagnostic blood tests or for men – Preventive blood tests for men.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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