Therapies to help the narcissistic pervert

Therapies to help the narcissistic pervert

Narcissistic personality disorder is often difficult to treat, since the main person concerned does not always realize that he has it. Usually, it is this person’s entourage who notices that they need help. The narcissistic pervert often has an unstable married life and conflicting relationships with the family or social environment.

In rare cases, for example following a divorce or numerous relationship failures, the narcissistic pervert may gain awareness and undertake work on himself.

Therapies to help the narcissistic pervert: understand everything in 2 min

Different psychotherapies can help the patient to bring out the discomfort that has caused this type of personality. The origin of this defense mechanism often dates back to early childhood.

Family therapy reunites the family of the affected person. Several discussion sessions aim to explore conflicts and communication issues in order to deal with relationship issues.

Group therapy consists of meeting people who have the same type of problems and aims to improve relationships with others. It is an opportunity to learn to listen to others and to become sensitive to their emotions.

Therapy individual may take several years for results to be seen. In the long term, therapy aims to restructure the personality, in order to recreate a positive and realistic image of oneself. Therapy allows you to learn to maintain better relationships with others, more intimate, more pleasant and satisfying relationships.

There is no medication used specifically to treat narcissistic perversion. However, with symptoms of depression or anxiety, antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications can help the person who has them.

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