Therapeutic fasting. Part 2.

As mentioned earlier, fasting (or, in another way, fasting and dietary therapy-RTT) is recognized by official medicine as a method of effective treatment of various diseases. With a small number of contraindications, it improves the general condition, promotes the normalization of metabolic processes and the function of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the activity of the immune system, and is a powerful preventive agent.

To find out whether this method of weight loss is really harmless for you, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before using it. In any case, you should be absolutely healthy at the time of the start of the fast. The list of contraindications varies depending on the authors of fasting methods. In any case, your health is the sole responsibility of your own self.

Therapeutic fasting is contraindicated in persons with a body weight deficit of more than 15% of the norm, tuberculosis, type I diabetes, malignant tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, etc. It is also not recommended to carry out fasting with hypotension, heart rhythm disorders,urolithiasis, cholelithiasis, febrile conditions, type II diabetes, pregnancy and lactation.

Before you start treatment with hunger, you need to thoroughly study the existing methods, compare them with their capabilities, determine the goals, and know about possible complications. Remember, each case requires an individual approach.

  1. Standard complete fasting: this type eliminates the consumption of any food, without limiting the amount of water. Depending on the experience and goals of the starving person, the duration can be from 1 day to 40 days.
  2. Dry fasting: it involves giving up food and water. The duration does not exceed 3-4 days. It is recommended for experienced starving people, strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Combined fasting: the first few days of dry fasting, then-the usual with the consumption of water. This method allows you to reduce the total time of fasting.
  4. Fractional fasting (G. A. Voitovich): several consecutive cycles of complete or combined fasting, usually 3. Each lasts 17-20 days, between which restorative nutrition is carried out for the same period.
  5. Urinovoe fasting (G. P. Malakhov, V. A. Erofeev): such fasting, according to the authors, is much more effective. There is a distinction between urinic and mixed fasting.
  6. Fasting according to Yu. S. Nikolaevu: its main features are that the period of fasting increases to 20-21 days, enemas, a decoction of rosehip are used, massage, water and physiotherapy are mandatory. This technique is designed for stationary conditions.
  7. Fasting according to P. Bregg: excludes the use of enemas. Water consumption is allowed without restrictions. The author advises to carry out 1-day fasts 1 time a week, weekly – 1 time a quarter, three-week-1 time a year..
  8. Fasting according to G. Shelton: drinking is not limited, but excessive water consumption is undesirable, you should not get carried away with water procedures, limit physical activity. The author is against enemas and laxatives. Fasting should be carried out before the onset of hunger, the term must be coordinated with the capabilities of your body.

So, we talked about the basic principles of fasting for medicinal purposes, identified 3 stages of prolonged fasting. You have learned what other types of this method of weight loss exist. It is up to you to decide which method to choose.

During fasting, help yourself. Clean your intestines. This should be done to avoid intoxication, as well as an acute crisis. Surprisingly, only 3% of the waste is excreted by the body through the intestines (7% with urine, 20% with sweat, the remaining 70% of the waste we exhale).

There are different opinions about how to help yourself. Someone advises to make yourself a daily cleansing enema, someone-to take a laxative; some prefer to add a glass of water with half a spoonful of honey or a spoonful of lemon juice, such a drink helps the kidneys to cope with the increased work of removing waste. And be sure to be in a good mood!

If it seems to you that there are a lot of toxins in the body, if you have serious diseases, daily hunger you endure with difficulty and doubt your abilities, then you will have little such help. It is better to starve in a specialized institution strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

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