Their breech birth

A first baby by the seat

“Thebreech birth for a first vaginal baby, it is possible! During my pregnancy, my baby always had her head up, and despite several exercises on all fours or the like, she was fine like that. I myself was born by the breech, just like my sister and my brother. When I saw my midwife gynecologist at 8 months pregnant, he asked me: “A seat for a first, can I give you a cesarean?” I immediately protested. He then decided to give me x-rays of the basin to see if “it could pass”. Everything was ok. He told me that in the clinic, not all the doctors performed breech deliveries by the vaginal route. He therefore suggests that I induce childbirth on a day when he is present. I accepted because I felt it was either that or the cesarean!

15 days before my term, I was triggered. Everything went well, and sweetie arrived with her little butt first. I wanted to share my experience because when I was pregnant I saw on the forums many stories where mothers of babies in breech had had a cesarean. ”


The directly scheduled cesarean …

” Me, I was not given the choice. My daughter was in breech, and no one ever offered to give birth vaginally, we directly scheduled a cesarean section ! Previously the gynecologist had tried in vain to return the baby. My daughter is three years old and a priori I read that the high authorities of medicine were no longer really in favor of systematic cesarean sections in the event of breech. Maybe mentalities are changing little by little …


The baby rolled over at the end of the pregnancy

“My baby has always been upside down, but he turned around at the end. When I lost my water at 34 weeks of gestation, the midwife told me that he was in siege. What a surprise, I was absolutely not prepared.

After a CT scan to measure my pelvis, the doctor concluded that the baby could pass. He was born naturally and without an epidural. The delivery went very well. Do not worry if your baby is in this position, but it is true that it is also necessary to have a gynecologist ready to do it… ”

it is not

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