The Basque Culinary Center (BBC) creates and sponsors a new annual award, aimed at chefs with transformative initiatives
La gastronomy It is current and especially within our borders, for this reason this interesting initiative has arisen from an international recognition of the work and entrepreneurship of chefs, by the hand of the Basque Culinary Center with the support ofl Basque Government,
The initiative to carry out an annual award to the outstanding chefs of the year for their work, creativity and ingenuity, is framed in the Euskadi-Basque Country Strategy as a value for disseminating the prestigious Basque culinary tradition and above all intrinsic values such as the culture of effort, commitment, the ability to excel, the vocation for transformation or equal opportunities for men and women.
The award is really important and will be endowed with a not inconsiderable amount of € 100.000, to be allocated to a transforming kitchen project, chosen by the winner
El Basque Culinary World Prize It is created to celebrate the evolution achieved by gastronomy after a reflection on the capacity of gastronomy to multiply the dimension of its profession, integrating sensitivities and aptitudes on a terrain paid by exchange; and, very especially, that you could contribute to society, beyond the kitchen.
The chefs who can demonstrate or prove that their transformative potential is worthy of being nominated and, where appropriate, win the award, are in luck and are potential participants in this initiative-competition of Basque Culinary World Prize.
The times are already set and since last February, when the nominations period opened, the list of possible winners begins to fill. On April 30 they will close, and a month later the 20 finalists will be announced, which throughout the month of July will be evaluated in the meetings held by the contest jury to notify their deliberation below.
The final delivery of the award will be held in a specific act during the month of September, with no date yet to be held.
A Chefs Award for Chefs with transformative initiatives
The initiative stems from the concerns of several international chefs who sought recognition for the profession they love and develop innovation towards society from the level of creativity seeking a sustainable balance.
The award will be awarded annually to a chef who demonstrates how gastronomy can be translated into a transforming force for society, surpassing the pure effect of the kitchen, but making use of it and that its developments can be seen as novel or capable of development through the food industry.
The jury of this first edition will be made up of members of the BCC International Council, chaired by Joan Roca and seconded by Gastón Acurio, Ferran Adriá, Alex Atala, Dan Barber, Heston Blumenthal, Massimo Bottura, Michael Bras, Yukio Hattori, Enrique Olvera and René Redzepi, which together with the BBC technical committee formed by Elena Arzak, Marta Miguel Castro, Frédéric Duhart, Jorge Ruiz Carrascalque and Dr F. Xavier Medina, will give entry to experts in other disciplines related to gastronomy such as the writer Harold McGee, Massimo Montanari, historian, professor and gourmet, Laura Esquivel Best Seller author, Como agua para chocolate y Hilal Elver, Expert in the Right to Food at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
In order to be one of those chosen and be part of the 20 finalists, candidates must be nominated by people who develop their professional activity in jobs related to gastronomy such as other chefs, restaurateurs, researchers, writers, journalists or institutions in the sector, reeling off in a very plastic way the reasons that the candidate treasures to be able to opt for said transforming nomination.
We leave all the information on the award, the rules of the contest and access to the nominations here linked on the website of the Basque Culinary World Prize