- Muscle group: latissimus dorsi
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Biceps, Shoulders, Middle back
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Cable simulators
- Level of difficulty: Beginner

The thrust of the upper block for the head — technique exercises:
- Sit at the cable machine. Select an appropriate weight.
- Grasp the neck wide grip.
- Perform traction of the neck behind the head. During exercise try to keep the body stationary. In the lower position the neck with the rear beam deltas. Hold the neck for 1-2 seconds in the end position.
- Lift the fretboard up to the starting position.
Video exercise:
exercises for back exercises for upper block
- Muscle group: latissimus dorsi
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Biceps, Shoulders, Middle back
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Cable simulators
- Level of difficulty: Beginner