It was impossible to look at this serene face without emotion. But over time, the parents realized that something was wrong with their baby.
Emmy was the third child in the family. Both previous pregnancies were very difficult for her mother Vanessa, but she really wanted more children. Therefore, she endured all the hardships steadfastly. And when Emmy was born, Vanessa immediately noticed that she was not at all like her older sister Charlotte to the girl. Something was wrong in her face.
No, there were no visible deformities. On the contrary, Emmy smiled broadly with all her tiny mouth, even when she was sleeping, and it looked incredibly cute. But it was this amazing smile that alarmed Emma’s mother. In addition, the little fingers of the girl were strangely curled inward. The mother of many children knew that this could be a symptom of many disorders, and was surprised why the doctors did not pay attention to this.
“I was told not to fool myself and people. Like, all my suspicions are simply ridiculous, ”recalls Vanessa.
Eight days after giving birth, the mother and the girl were discharged home with a note “absolutely healthy” in the children’s medical card. By that time, the woman had calmed down a little and decided that maybe she was really too suspicious, and then the hormones were also raging … But soon problems fell on the family as if from a cornucopia. At the cardiologist’s appointment, it turned out that Emmy had a heart murmur. And soon she was diagnosed with Williams syndrome.
Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes children to suffer from mental retardation. In such kids, visual-figurative thinking suffers, but there is no abstract at all. However, they have a well-developed speech, their intelligence is not so much reduced in comparison with ordinary children, they are friendly, trusting and sociable. And many have an excellent ear for music. In addition, babies with Williams syndrome have a rather specific appearance – the “face of an elf”: a wide forehead, a large mouth and a small pointed chin, eyebrows spread apart, a peculiar shape of the nose.
Emmy Williams syndrome also brought heart problems. She had to undergo an operation, twice the girl’s heart stopped and she was literally returned from the other world.
“The Emmy is fine now, but I don’t know what will happen next,” says Vanessa. – Emmy is funny, she loves to listen to our family conversations. And then he inserts his own line, which makes us all laugh. “
“People think that if she smiles, then she is constantly happy,” continues the girl’s mother. “But it’s not so. Emmy experiences the full range of emotions of the average person. “
It is predictably difficult for a baby to learn – not only because of the peculiarities of development, but also because of weak muscles. Emmy has a hard time sitting up straight, hard to hold a pencil.
“But I believe that everything will be fine. That Emmy can achieve whatever she wants: go to college, learn to drive, fall in love and get married, Vanessa hopes. – I dream that she will have a favorite thing, which she will be proud of. There will be real friends. I want her to be very happy. “