The seven main chakras of the subtle body

The first mention of the word “chakra” dates back to about 1000 BC. and its origin is predominantly Hindu, while the concept of chakra and energy centers is present both within Ayurveda and the Chinese practice of Qigong. It is believed that there are 7 main and 21 simple chakras in the human subtle body. Each chakra is illustrated as a colored wheel rotating clockwise. It is also believed that each of the chakras rotates at its own speed and frequency. Chakras are invisible to the naked eye and connect our physical and spiritual component. All seven chakras are tied directly to a specific area and nerve center in the body. Each chakra is believed to absorb and filter the energy we generate from our thoughts and actions, as well as from the thoughts and actions of all those with whom we come into contact. In the event that any of the chakras is out of balance as a result of negative energy passing through it, it begins to rotate either too slowly or too quickly. When a chakra is out of balance, it affects the health of the area it is responsible for. In addition, an upset chakra has a specific effect on the spiritual and emotional self. Root chakra (red). The root chakra. Is the center of our basic needs for survival, security and livelihood. When the root chakra is imbalanced, we feel confused, unable to move forward. Without the balance of this main chakra, it is impossible to bring all the others into smooth functioning. Sacral chakra (orange). The sacral chakra. Defines the creative dimension, ranging from artistic expression to resourceful problem solving. Healthy sexual desire and self-expression is also controlled by the sacral chakra, although sexual energy is also directly dependent on the throat chakra. Solar plexus chakra (yellow). The solar plexus chakra. This chakra has a strong effect on self-determination and self-esteem. An imbalance in this area can lead to extremes such as low self-esteem, or arrogance and selfishness. Heart chakra (green). The heart chakra. Affects the ability to give and receive love. The heart chakra affects the ability to cope with sadness from the betrayal of a loved one, the loss of a loved one due to betrayal or death. Throat chakra (blue). Throat chakra. The ability to communicate effectively, express one’s opinions, desires, feelings, thoughts, the ability to hear, listen and understand others – all this is the work of the throat chakra. Third eye (dark blue). The third eye chakra. Controls our common sense, wisdom, intellect, memory, dreams, spirituality and intuition. Crown chakra (purple). The crown chakra. The only one of the 7 chakras that is located outside our body is at the crown. The chakra is responsible for a deep understanding of oneself beyond the physical, material world.

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