The Most important products for faster hair growth

Beautiful and healthy hair is not only the merit of well-chosen cosmetics. Hair care should start from the inside. So the hair grew rapidly, the diet should be to the extent necessary substances and vitamins that contribute to this process.

The main condition for the rapid division of cells – the presence of protein. Focus on it in your menu, and the hair will be grateful.

Red meat

Red meat is a source of iron, which provide the body a normal level of hemoglobin. The hair roots will be nourished with oxygen and necessary nutrients from food.


The egg, in addition to the high content of protein, contain vitamins that are well absorbed by the human body. Vitamins b group are important for healthy hair, nails and skin. Biotin, which is contained in eggs, accelerates hair growth, and protein affects the formation of keratin, essential for Shine and elasticity.

The Most important products for faster hair growth


Fat red fish is a source of omega fatty 3 acids which is a powerful stimulator of hair growth. The hair bulb, getting omega in sufficient volume, recovers and begins to function in an accelerated mode. Fish also contains zinc, protein and vitamin B12, necessary for healthy hair.


Nuts are source of vegetable protein, and also vitamins E and b group is an important component of the healing process of hair. But peanuts still contains vitamin B5, which helps to saturate the hair with oxygen and the almond will provide the blood extra iron.


Fresh grapes or dried all year round – the choice is yours. Grapes contain many antioxidants that help to resist the harmful effects of the environment, protect the hair from damage, improve blood circulation and promote the active growth of hair.


Lentils contains a record amount of iron, providing the body with oxygen and nutrients. Also lentils are a source of choline, it also improves blood flow to the skin, including the head.

The Most important products for faster hair growth


Citrus fruits and berries, such as strawberries, will provide hair with plenty of vitamin C. It strengthens blood vessels and protects the hair roots from damage. Vitamin C fast put in order the hair, dried in the sun or under the influence of the hair dryer.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds – source of vitamin D, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids. Also contain phosphorus and potassium. Vitamin E will provide your hair a healthy Shine and elasticity, they will not split at the ends and injured during combing.

Dairy products

Milk and dairy products will trigger hair growth at the expense of b vitamins and vitamin K and calcium. Dairy products also reduced the microflora and improves digestion, which means that the hair will get more nutrients. After all, health begins in the stomach.

Green vegetables

Green veggies stimulate the secretion of sebum, which moisturize and protect the hair roots from damage. Green vegetables are also rich in fiber for digestion and vitamin C Separately want to mention cabbage and broccoli. The first promotes nutrition and strengthen the hair roots and prevents dandruff. The second is rich in calcium and vitamin a, is involved in the formation of keratin – the building material for your hair.

Moore about food food hair watch in the video below:


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