TOP 5 brand stupid myths about ketchup

Around any product sooner or later the facts emerge, previously unknown. Some of these facts really make the audience perceive these products. But some new facts belongs to the category of myths and conjectures. And it is important not to confuse them. Today let’s talk about ketchup and myths associated with it.

Ketchup is a great antioxidant, in addition, it significantly affects our mood, relieves anxious thoughts and gives an emotional lift. Natural ketchup includes serotonin – the hormone of happiness. This sauce contains B vitamins, vitamins K, P and PP, ascorbic acid, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Myth 1. Ketchup has no benefits

Speaking of natural sauce that it includes no preservatives, stabilizers, flavorings and other chemical tricks of manufacturers. Tomatoes and red peppers contain lycopene, the pigment that gives them color. The heat treatment of these vegetables perfectly retains their favor, and starch in ketchup just gives it a structure and poses no threat to health. So use the ketchup as much as the salad tomatoes.

Myth 2. Ketchup is made from few tomatoes

Of course, the negligence of the manufacturer has not been canceled. But brands that value their reputation, are unlikely thus to reduce the cost of production of the sauce. Buy a ketchup that does not cause you suspicion, which has no extra chemical ingredients and pay attention to the notes about quality control of its production.

TOP 5 brand stupid myths about ketchup

Myth 3. Ketchup is not from tomatoes

And then rumor has it that ketchup is prepared not from tomatoes, but from other ingredients – apples, zucchini. They are born due to the fact that, really, manufacturers sometimes add to tomatoes and other vegetables or fruits to obtain the desired taste and texture of the sauce. Of course, if for you fundamentally important to get ketchup just from the tomatoes, carefully study the composition. But there is no harm from other natural ingredients, in addition, this ketchup will cost a little less.

Myth 4. Ketchup is a strong allergen and the cause of excess weight

Due to the presence of sugar in the ketchup they blame it in the formation of excess weight. But ketchup is a Supplement to the main food, and eat it in huge quantities simply impossible. So if your meals is low in calories  ketchup cant affect weight gain. Tomato sauce can also cause allergies, because red tomatoes are themselves allergenic product. But usually, this feature is known in advance.

TOP 5 brand stupid myths about ketchup

Myth 5. The children ketchup

There is no difference between the composition of adult and children’s ketchup. But the price for “baby” product will obviously be much higher. Important in choice of sauce for kids is to pick safe product with natural composition and absence of an Allergy to tomatoes. To use ketchup is permitted for children after 5 years – not before.

More about ketchup history watch in the video below:

Food History: Ketchup and Mustard

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