The most budget-friendly homemade cookies

Admit it, it sometimes happens that the refrigerator is empty, you want something tasty, homemade, but you can’t go to replenish your food stocks — or simply — there is nothing. Get a simple oatmeal cookie recipe. Well, do you even have oatmeal?

Dig into the bins, you will need very few ingredients:

  • 1 glass. Cereals
  • 1 glass. Flour
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sugar
  • 100g. Sunflower oil or margarine
  • 1 PC. Whipped white of one egg (no yolk needed)
  • 0,5 tsp Soda quenched with vinegar


1. All baking components must be poured into one deep bowl and crumpled into a homogeneous mass with your hands. If the dough is too dry, do not be alarmed, it should be so.


2. From the resulting mass, it is necessary to roll up even balls the size of a walnut. Make a cake from each ball, this will be our cookie. You should get about 20 pieces.

3. Next, you need to prepare a baking sheet, cover it with paper or parchment and grease with vegetable oil.

4. We heat up the oven and only then do we send our pastries into it. Cooking time – 15 minutes.

5. As an additional ingredient, you can add raisins, chopped dried apricots, nuts, sesame seeds, seeds or even cinnamon – whatever you find in your bins.

That’s all! Cookies are very tasty to eat with tea, both warm and cold.

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