The main reasons for weight gain
The New Year is coming soon, and an elegant dress requires, finally, to calm down your appetites and lose a couple of kilograms. We go on a diet, start doing sports, but nothing happens … Time passes, the weight does not decrease, why? found out the reasons.
Any problems with weight arise, first of all, in our head, I am sure Mikhail Moiseevich Ginzburg. A psychotherapist, professor, doctor of medical sciences and director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietetics and Dietetics, he devoted many years to studying this issue and came to the conclusion that in most cases problems with excess weight begin in the head.
1. Stress is at the heart of everything
By the New Years, we strive to complete the work we have begun and bring everything to perfection: buy gifts, make peace with relatives, please the mother-in-law, please the bosses … And we do not notice that we are putting on our shoulders much more than they can bear. Thus, driving yourself into stress. According to doctors, this is how a latent (subconscious) conflict begins between our expectations and the surrounding reality.
What to do: if a conflict situation has arisen, you need to try to accept it or change it for the better. For example, you cannot find a common language with your relatives, you are constantly annoyed and angry. Show character, calm down, do not react to comments, or even better, respond with humor. As soon as the anxiety subsides, the weight returns to normal. Even without diet and exercise.
2. Weight depends on character
People are quick-tempered and calm, aggressive and flexible, restless and inactive. A different psychological profile also implies a different weight. For example, fussy ones are more likely to be thin, and solid, dignified ones are more likely to be fat. But do not rush to shift the responsibility onto your own laziness. Mikhail Ginzburg clarifies that programs that imply harmony (and this is energy and mobility) are in each of us, it’s just that the thin ones use them more often, and the fat ones less often.
What to do: learn to be mobile. And if it’s difficult, do it through “I don’t want to”.
People are distinguished from each other by character. Having studied it, you can understand why some get fat, while others do not.
3. Weight in society adds weight to the body
Often, people in leadership positions subconsciously seek to give themselves weight in society, but in reality they get extra pounds of weight. Psychological practice shows the better a person understands himself, the nature of his actions, the more harmonious and calmer in his soul, the healthier, more successful and … slimmer he is.
4. Food as a cure for anxiety
People react to anxiety in different ways. Some do not find a place for themselves, rushing from corner to corner (physical activity soothes). Others begin to eat more (food calms), and any attempt to follow a diet in this situation only increases anxiety and quickly leads to a breakdown.
What to do: Move more, walk, exercise. Of course, this will help slow down the growth of weight and, perhaps, cause some weight loss. But it would be more radical to teach him to worry less.
5. “First I will lose weight, and only then I will heal …”
Many of us associate our stiffness or shyness with being overweight and struggle to lose weight. We follow a diet, do exercises, visit gyms. But at the same time, we remain constrained and shy. Had we behaved more demonstratively (psychologists say – manifestly), weight loss would have gone much faster.
What to do: a common reason for a ban is unstable self-esteem, a complex of inferiority. If you manage to remove it or at least reduce it, the person transforms, begins to dress more brightly, festively … and loses weight much faster. By the way, this acquired quality further protects against weight gain.
So, the main thing for a person is to feel harmony, which means calmness. How to achieve this?
Programs that imply harmony (and this is energy and mobility) are in each of us.
How to calm down and lose weight
Try to look closely at those around you and answer simple questions: do you like this or that person or dislike, would you go on an exploration with him or not. Listen carefully to your feelings, intuition almost never deceives us.
The answers will help you find a way to win over this or that person and how to avoid conflict with him. But, most importantly, while we are solving these problems, we are involved and stay in good shape. And the more we pay attention to other people, we try to win their attention, make communication comfortable, the sooner we will lose weight.
Weight loss problems often arise when there is some kind of protective meaning in this fullness that reduces anxiety. If this meaning can be identified, then the problem is solved quite simply. However, it is not always possible to carry out such work on your own. Sometimes a specialist must work with the subconscious – a psychologist or a psychotherapist.
When the participation of a specialist is especially desirable
You eat often to calm yourself down. Attempting to diet increases anxiety or depression.
In your life there is some specific, disturbing situation, conflict at work or in everyday life, for example, in relationships with loved ones.
Weight gain occurred after a change in lifestyle: marriage, moving to another city, and so on.
You used to lose weight, but, having lost weight, you suddenly felt “out of place”, it became difficult to communicate with friends, and a feeling of loneliness appeared. Losing weight has not brought the expected changes in your life.
You lose weight often, and quite successfully. But having barely lost weight, you are rapidly gaining weight again.
It was unpleasant for you to read some sections of this article and wanted to incriminate the author of something.
You cannot clearly explain to yourself why you need to lose weight. You cannot list three or four benefits that losing weight will give. Ideas come to mind, such as: fit into last year’s jeans or prove to loved ones that you are doing well with willpower.
You feel constrained in the company of strangers and try to quietly sit on the sidelines, so that no one really pays attention to you. You associate this with obesity and postpone vivid behavior for the period after weight loss (“if I lose weight, then I’ll live”).