The glycemic index of foods or How to follow a protein diet

Eat Protein to Lose Weight

Protein saturates much better than carbohydrates and fats. Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and low-fat dairy products provide long-lasting satiety. Beans and beans, nuts and almonds are rich in protein. If protein food accounts for 25% of the energy consumed per day, a person is actively losing fat and at the same time remains full and vigorous.

Protein foods are best distributed throughout the day. In the evening, no later than 3 hours before bedtime, you can also eat a small, 150 grams, piece of fish or meat.

Glycemic index

The concept was introduced into everyday life by observing patients. It is vital for diabetics to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. It turned out that different foods have different effects on this indicator. Some provoke a sharp rise in sugar, others are moderate, and still others are minimal.


Glucose was taken as the starting unit and assigned to it. This is maximum.

To products high GI include those. For instance,

Products with intermediate GI – index. it

Products low GI – the index does not exceed. it

Blood sugar levels affect metabolism, hormone production, performance and hunger. Nutritionists recommend not only diabetics, but also all other people to eat more foods with a low GI – they give a feeling of satiety and do not provoke a sharp change in sugar levels.

Making our life easier

If you don’t want to bother yourself with numbers at all, you can simply focus on the principles of choosing products “” in each thematic group, developed by Danish nutritionists. Here they are:


Apples, pears, oranges, raspberries and strawberries can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

consume in extremely limited quantities.



By and large, all vegetables are allowed, with the exception of which should be limited. Carrots, beets and parsnips are best eaten raw.



It is better not to overcook it and choose young potatoes if possible. Another subtlety is that hot potatoes are, of course, an unearthly tasty thing, but from the point of view of losing weight, it is better to eat them cold: then resistant starch, a unique type of fiber, is formed in it. It lowers blood sugar and restores intestinal microflora. Mashed potatoes and baked potatoes are not suitable for losing weight.



The pasta should be cooked al dente.  Choose durum wheat pasta. And if you eat them cold, it is even healthier, then they also form resistant starch. 



Choose rice brown, wild, not sanded.


Bread and cereal

Good bread made from wholemeal flour and rye grain bread, oatmeal, breakfast cereals from wheat and wheat bran with mineral and vitamin additives. White bread is a useless thing from the point of view of a healthy diet.



There are tables of the glycemic index of foods that could be guided by. But not everything is so simple.

1. A high GI product can be beneficial and vice versa.… For example, the GI of cooked carrots is higher than the GI of chocolate. But at the same time, chocolate is very high in fat! This also needs to be taken into account.

2. In different tables, indicators may differ from each other.

3. GI varies depending on the method of cutting and preparing the product. The general rule is – the shorter the processing time, the better. Better to boil than to fry, cut into large pieces than to grind into dust. The brevity of the recipe is preferable to delights – all gastronomic tricks only increase the GI of the food.

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