The future of food from the Prometheus program

Now a year ago we published the first call for the Reimagine Foods Prometheus program, which looked for 5 entrepreneurial projects of technology applied to the food and gastronomy sector.

Much work and above all ingenuity have been developed by those involved in each of the projects and in the recently held Mobile World Congress of Barcelona, 5 o’clock food start-ups have presented their disruptive reality of food of the future.

The tutelary activity of business initiatives that have seen the light after many months of work has led to the same line of action, the use of mobile technology as the basis of the project to apply its services through it.

For this second call of the Prometheus program, 5 of them have been selected from more than 400 applications, and from now on the advice, investment capacity and viability will be much easier.

The 5 projects of food-tech, consolidated as innovative satr-ups

  • Midiadia (Spain) The Vigo start-up has been working since 2013 to add value with its technology to the food industry sector. Its technological platform is based on a BBDD on line that analyzes the information on the packaging of food products, providing analytics that report important analysis to brands and users. The fundamental value of the information results in the nutritional value of the product so that it can be used as a marketing tool at the point of sale.
  • Flavour Space (Holland) his project is focused on a technological application that offers fully personalized gastronomic suggestions through an important platform for the analysis of AI and Big Data. Recipes that are limited to filters of tastes, allergies and nutritional preferences are provided to the user, to make it easier for him to eat with the help of a virtual chef who suggests ingredients and products from the brands attached to the platform.
  • DigiFood (France), fast food in leisure and sports spaces has its ally with this smartphone application from the French company. Manage orders of the adhered companies to avoid that the user waits for queues at the place of consumption, and can make his purchase comfortably while enjoying the event. You pick it up directly at the point designated for the occasion or you decide to have it taken to you at no additional cost …
  • Spare (USA) the bank ATM is an endangered species for this American company that has created a network to provide cash to the user through the stores and establishments attached to Spare. How much money is needed is entered and geolocate the user, to guide you through Google Maps, to the nearest store where you can collect your money. The store earns the commission and gets rid of cash, and the customer finds “cash”Faster, and maybe I will re-invest it in the trade …
  • Pubinno (Turkey) its technological project is directly related to the beverage sector, specifically it has created a “Beer Point”, which is a beer self-service in which the customer pays with a card and dispenses his own fermented product from the tap where it is housed. It is an innovation very focused on the hotel industry and new concepts of restoration.

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