A boy named Voight Shoptu from Oakland, Tennessee, USA, became an Internet star after his mother, Elizabeth, posted a video of his birthday.
The kid was presented with a cupcake, quite large for his age, and the way he began to taste it caused laughter and emotion of all those present at the holiday …
First, Voight touched the cupcake with his finger, and then he sank down to face him and began to eat it in this way, of course, staining his nose, cheeks and forehead!
Surprisingly, the kid managed the delicacy in a matter of minutes. The adults did not have time to blink an eye, as the cupcake was gone …
“Voight tasted cupcake for the first time and certainly loved it. Probably, the son got his addiction to sweets from his dad, “Vojta’s mom Elizabeth commented on the video to the Daily Mail.
The woman also admitted that she does not know why her son began to eat his first delicacy in his life in this way. According to her, the boy had never seen anyone try a cake like that before.
And finally, Elizabeth said that as soon as the baby finished the cupcake, they immediately went to wash with him.