The causes and removal of a spike on the leg. Video
Sometimes, when walking, pain occurs in the foot, it seems that a sharp thorn is pierced into it at the place where a seemingly harmless callus appears. If this formation also shows bundle-like filiform papillae or dark dots, this is most likely a spine, a plantar wart, which is caused by the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. There are many methods of how to remove a barb from the leg.
Traditional methods of removing a thorn on the leg: video
How does the spike appear? The reason usually lies in childhood itself, when the papillovirus enters the body through small cuts or injuries, where it lives quietly until the moment when favorable conditions for its development appear. These are tight shoes, constant stay in them, increased sweating of the feet, as well as weakening of the body’s defenses during stressful situations, illnesses, the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits.
Although the virus itself can exist in the body for a lifetime, the spines on the foot or palm are quite treatable, and sometimes even go away on their own.
There are both medical methods of getting rid of the spines, and those that were used by our grandmothers – folk.
The most popular medical methods for removing spines include:
- an effective procedure for moxibustion with liquid nitrogen, which is not painful in itself; after it, scars are almost never left and new formations do not appear
- the use of acidic or alkaline agents. In this case, you need to be extremely careful not to damage healthy skin next to the spike.
- with the help of a laser, the spike is removed at a time, and if there are a lot of them or the situation is neglected, then several procedures eliminate the problem
- if the growth is small, then the method of electrocoagulation becomes very effective – the current deprives the wart of nutrition, prevents its growth and leads to death
- with the help of a scalpel, the surgeon can simply cut it out, which is quite painful after the end of the anesthesia, the appearance of a scar is possible
The most famous folk treatments
Traditional methods are not so fast, but absolutely free
The most effective ones are:
Removing a spike with horseradish. To do this, the foot is pre-steamed, and then grated horseradish is applied to the growths, wrapped in a plastic bag, put on a sock and leave the compress overnight. This procedure is carried out until the wart disappears completely. With the help of raw grated potatoes, the same manipulations are carried out, only the potatoes must be applied in the morning and left for the whole day.
This treatment usually lasts about two weeks.
The same is done with the help of a fresh layer of garlic, attaching it to the sore spot with a plaster, after cutting off the steamed upper layer of the wart with scissors. At the same time, garlic also has an antiviral effect, as well as celandine juice, with which the spike must be processed several times a day.
Rubbing cement into steamed warts with a finger soaked in saliva until it dries completely, you can get rid of the spines in a few days.
Young, carefully mashed nettle is applied to the sore spot, the leg is wrapped in burdock leaves, a sock is put on and left overnight. If after such a procedure in the morning the spines along with the dead skin exfoliated from the foot – everything was done correctly.
But nevertheless, it is better to contact a surgeon or dermatovenerologist, because such seemingly harmless growths with constant mechanical effects on them, chemical contact with detergents tend to degenerate into malignant tumors.