The birth bonus

The birth bonus

The birth bonus is one of the financial aids offered by CAF as part of the Paje (childcare service for young children). It allows young parents to face the first expenses related to the arrival of the baby. To benefit from it, certain resource ceilings must not be exceeded.

What is the birth bonus?

The birth premium is an amount paid to parents, subject to certain conditions, after the birth of their child. It aims to relieve the financial burden involved in the arrival of the baby.

The amount of the birth premium is € 923,08 per child born. Eligible parents receive this financial assistance only once, at the end of the second month following childbirth. This service can be combined with the other allowances paid by CAF.

To benefit from the birth bonus, parents must meet the following conditions:

  • Reside in France in a legal situation.
  • Have performed the first mandatory prenatal consultation.
  • Have declared the pregnancy to CAF and health insurance within 14 weeks of the presumed date of conception.
  • Do not exceed the resource limits.

The different resource ceilings

To study the application for a birth premium, CAF takes into account the parents’ income for year N – 2, which it recovers directly from the tax authorities.

To benefit from the birth bonus, the parents’ resources must be lower than the following ceilings:

  • The household has only one income from activity: the ceiling not to be exceeded is € 35 for a couple with a dependent child. The ceiling is increased by € 872 per additional child.
  • The household has 2 activity incomes: the annual resources must not exceed € 45 for a couple with a dependent child. The ceiling is increased by € 575 per additional child.
  • The single parent benefits from the same ceilings as the household which has 2 income from activity.

The unborn child is counted as a dependent child for the determination of the applicable income limit.

What steps are taken to obtain the birth bonus?

The process for applying for a birth grant differs depending on whether or not the parents are beneficiaries of the CAF.

Parents already receive benefits from CAF: they are beneficiaries

Pregnancy must be declared within 14 weeks from the date of onset of pregnancy. CAF offers an online pregnancy declaration system, accessible via the beneficiary’s personal account.

Parents are not yet beneficiaries

In addition to the declaration of pregnancy, parents must send the Cerfa (1) forms n ° 11423 * 06 – declaration of situation – and n ° 10397 * 18 – declaration of resources – duly completed to CAF.

The application for the birth premium is studied during the 6th month of pregnancy. If the outcome is favorable, the parents must declare the birth of the baby to be awarded the premium. The birth declaration can be made directly online on the CAF website. CAF may request that a copy of the birth certificate be sent.

Special cases

Stillborn child

A child born alive and viable is entered in the civil status birth register. His parents can claim the birth bonus.

A stillborn or lifeless child is only entered in the death register. Her parents can claim the birth bonus provided that the end of pregnancy has taken place after the 1st day of the calendar month following the 5th month of pregnancy.


Eligible parents receive € 923,08 per child. In the event of multiple births, the amount of the birth premium is multiplied by the number of unborn babies. Parents of twins therefore receive the sum of € 1. Parents of triplets receive € 846,16.

And in the case of an adoption?

Parents who adopt benefit from a premium equivalent to the birth premium: the adoption premium. Its granting is conditioned by the same criteria of resources. In addition, the adopted child must be under 20 years of age.

The amount of the adoption premium paid by CAF amounts to € 1 per adopted child.

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