the Best exercises for shoulders with dumbbells for women at home

Strong shoulders make hand relief, stress the biceps and triceps, helping your upper body look toned and athletic. We offer you best exercises for shoulders with dumbbells for women you can perform at home and in the gym.

In the formation shoulder involved one main muscle – the deltoid, and the rear part of the shoulder also forms the trapezius muscle. It should be noted that the shoulders are one of the most difficult in terms of physical development of body parts. This is due to the complex geometry of the deltoid, which consists of 3 bundles: anterior, middle (lateral) and back. The front beam is responsible for raising the hands in front of him, the average beam for spreading the hands to the sides, the rear beam takes his hands back.

Part of exercises on the shoulders help to use multiple muscles: the so-called basic exercises. These include dumbbell bench press standing or sitting, so they must be included in your strength training. To the basic exercises you can add insulation, which work only one muscle group.

To exercise the shoulders do selected exercises to 4-5 sets of 12-15 reps. Weight dumbbells pick so that you can make the desired number of repetitions. The following exercises for shoulders with dumbbells you can perform at home and in the gym. The deltoid muscle is very easy to injure, so be careful when you exercise.

Best lower back exercises with dumbbells for women at home

Exercises for shoulders with dumbbells

1. Dumbbell bench press straight grip while standing or sitting

Dumbbell bench press is a basic exercise for the shoulders, always include it in their basic training. Dumbbell bench press mainly uses the middle of the Delta, but front and rear are also involved in its implementation. The exercise can be performed standing or sitting.

a) dumbbell Bench press straight grip standing. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells in hands taken straight grip and raised to eye level. Lift the shell up, making the exhale in the end of the climb. Make a short pause and lower your arms to the starting position.

b) dumbbell Bench press straight grip sitting. Seated on a bench, hold dumbbells straight grip at eye level. Lift the shell up with the exhale at the end of the climb. Pause and return to starting position.

  • The main working muscles: front and middle of the Delta
  • Additionally working muscles: triceps

2. Dumbbell bench press neutral grip standing or sitting

Dumbbell bench press neutral grip helps more to engage the front of the Delta. This exercise is for shoulders with dumbbells in the standing position and in sitting position. There is also a version with alternate lifting and lowering of the hands.

a) dumbbell Bench press neutral grip standing. Feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells raised to the level of the chin neutral grip. On the exhale, lift the shell straight up, make a short pause on inhale return to starting position.

b) dumbbell Bench press neutral grip sitting. Sit on a chair, back straight, dumbbells raised to the level of the chin neutral grip. Lift the shell up on the exhale, after a short pause, return to starting position.

  • The main working muscles: front and middle of the Delta
  • Additionally working muscles: triceps

3. Breeding hand in hand with the dumbbells standing or sitting

This is an isolation exercise for the shoulders with dumbbells, includes the work of the middle of the Delta.

a) raising the hands to the sides standing with dumbbells: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, body slightly leaned forward. Slightly bend your arms and legs. On the exhale, dissolve the dumbbells to the sides without changing the angle at the elbows. Return to starting position.

b) spreading the hands apart with the weights sitting: Sit on a bench straight, elbows slightly bent. On the exhale, dissolve the dumbbells in hand, trying not to change the angle at the elbows. Return to starting position.

  • The main working muscles: middle Delta

4. Breeding hands with dumbbells incline

Another isolation exercise, only now for the rear of the Delta. Sit on the edge of the bench, lean forward. Exhale arms out to the side parallel to the floor, arms slightly bent at the elbows. After a short pause, return to starting position.

  • The main working muscles: rear Delta

5. Breeding dumbbell in side lying

Isolating exercise for posterior Delta. Lie down horizontally on the bench on her belly, hands with dumbbells down, elbows slightly bent. On the exhale raise the arms to a position parallel to the floor without changing the angle at the elbows. On the inhale drop to its original position. You can change the angle of the bench to turn in work new muscle groups.

  • The main working muscles: rear Delta
  • Additionally working muscles: middle Delta

6. Lifting dumbbells in front of him

This is an isolation exercise with dumbbells for the front and middle of the Delta. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells in hands taken straight grip. On the exhale, raise the projectile in front of him to the position until the arms are parallel to the floor. On the inhale return to the starting position.

  • The main working muscles: front and middle of the Delta
  • Additionally working muscle: trapezoid and pectoral muscles

7. Pull the dumbbells to the chin

Basic exercise for the shoulders with dumbbells. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, hands with the shell omitted and are near the hips ahead. Lift the dumbbells up to the level of the chin, the dumbbell should remain parallel to the floor. Make sure the elbows are above the wrists. Hold for a second, hands on his chin and lower them down.

  • The main working muscles: middle Delta, trapezius muscle (trapezium)
  • Additionally working muscles: front of the Delta

8. Lifting shoulders with dumbbells in the lowered hands (srage)

In the formation of the relief of the shoulders is also involved trapezius muscle. One of the most effective exercises for the trapeze are shragi. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells in the lowered sides of the hands. On the exhale, lift your shoulders as high as possible, then on the inhale, lower to starting position.

  • The main working muscles: trapezius muscle (trapezium)
  • Additionally working muscles: middle Delta

Before performing exercises for shoulders with dumbbells at home or in the gym, be sure to warm up the muscles. Shoulders prone to injury, so follow the technique of performing exercises and don’t force load. See also a selection of the best exercises for chest with dumbbells.

See also: Best exercises for chest with dumbbells.

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