The benefits and harms of tuna: composition, nutritional value, calorie content
Today people began to eat much more fish than it was several decades ago. One of the most popular representatives of these animals is tuna, the meat of which not only has an amazing taste, but also has many medicinal properties.
By regularly adding tuna to your diet, you are guaranteed to protect yourself from many diseases of various organs and systems. But in addition to the benefits, there is also the harm of tuna, therefore, in order to get the maximum benefit from this product and not harm yourself, you should familiarize yourself with its indications and contraindications for use, on whom it will affect positively, and on whom it will completely negatively.
The benefits of tuna
- This type of fish does not become infected with parasites.… First of all, using tuna, you can not fear for your health, as it is resistant to parasites, which means that it is the safest meat product on the planet.
- Prevents the development of cancerous tumors… Frequent consumption of tuna dishes is an excellent prevention against cancer. In addition, tuna gives a good mood and relieves stress.
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system… Due to the huge content of omega-3 and omega-6 acids in its composition, which the body is not able to produce on its own, tuna reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, increases brain activity and minimizes the possibility of heart disease. By consuming only 30 grams of tuna daily, the risk of heart problems is halved.
- Normalizes Cholesterol Levels in the Elderly… Despite the fact that the healing properties of tuna have a great effect on the health of a person of any age category, the intake of its nutrients is especially important for the body of an elderly person, since it fights clogged arteries and prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques, which as a result can cause blood clots …
- Brings blood sugar back to normal… In this regard, tuna is recommended for hypertensive and diabetics.
- Helps You Lose Extra Pounds While Maintaining Muscle Mass… When a person loses weight, he cannot completely exclude fats from his diet, because then the body will not burn its own fat. Tuna is also rich in the right fats, the use of which during the diet will speed up the process of burning excess fat reserves.
Also, regular intake of tuna in food increases immunity, treats dermatosis and eczema, arthritis and arthrosis, normalizes blood pressure and even improves vision.
Tuna harm
Despite all its various medicinal qualities, tuna can also negatively affect human health. It is forbidden to use the following persons:
- Allergic to mackerel fish meat;
- Suffering from renal failure;
- Children up to 3 years.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat tuna, but strictly adhering to the daily norm – this is about 100-200 g. tuna a day.
The benefits of tuna can hardly be overestimated, since it is a truly delicious fish, which contains an abundance of useful components that protect the human body from many diseases. But it is also worth considering the harm of this fish for some people.
Nutritional value and chemical composition of tuna
- The nutritional value
- Vitamins
- Macronutrients
- Trace Elements
Caloric content of 139 kcal
Proteins 24,4 g
Fats 4,6 g
Water 69,3 g
Saturated fatty acids 1,3 g
Cholesterol 38 mg
Ash 1,7 g
Vitamin PP 10,6 mg
Vitamin A 0,02 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 20 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,28 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,23 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,8 mg
Vitamin B9 (folate) 6 mcg
Vitamin E (TE) 0,2 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 15,5 mg
Calcium 30 mg
Magnesium 30 mg
Sodium 75 mg
Potassium 350 mg
Phosphorus 280 mg
Chlorine 160 mg
Sulfur 190 mg
Iron 1 mg
Zinc 0,7 mg
Iodine 50 μg
Copper 100 μg
Manganese 0,13 mg
Chrome 90 μg
Fluorine 1000 μg
Molybdenum 4 μg
Cobalt 40 μg
Nickel 6 μg