The benefits and harms of chickpeas for the body: nutritional value, calorie content
Peas Chickpeas, also known as mutton or chickpea, began to be used many centuries before our era. These beans are not only tasty, but also healthy, so chickpeas have been used for many years not only as food, but also as a medicine. In our area, it is not very popular, but in the eastern countries, they know a lot about the benefits and dangers of chickpeas.
Chickpea peas are very valuable, and for good reason, because they have been tested for centuries and are still considered an invaluable nutritious product, the regular use of which has a positive effect on human health. However, when adding it to your diet, you need to be extremely careful not to reverse its beneficial properties.
The benefits of chickpeas
The unique composition of lamb peas allows it to maintain many organs and systems of the human body in a normal functional state.
- Chickpeas improve the functioning of the digestive system and normalize metabolism… These beans possess such medicinal properties due to the fact that they contain insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, which cleanse the body, kill harmful bacteria, neutralize constipation and prevent the development of rotting processes. All this minimizes the risks of developing malignant tumors and other diseases associated with oncology in the intestines, and also allows a person to maintain his figure in excellent condition.
- Removes bile from the body… Due to its diuretic effect, chickpeas remove waste from the body and dissolve gallstones, which cannot but have a positive effect on the functioning of the spleen, liver and gallbladder.
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system and prevents heart disease… By regularly adding chickpeas to your diet, you can avoid blood clots, inflammation, stroke and heart attack. Also, this product normalizes blood sugar levels, which is why it is recommended for diabetics, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stabilizes blood pressure and removes harmful cholesterol from the body.
- Good for the female body… During menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding, a woman loses a huge amount of iron and blood, and chickpea beans replenish the female body with hemoglobin, preventing the aggravation of anemia, and iron, and also improve milk secretion in nursing mothers.
- Used as a healing ointment and cosmetics… Chickpea flour is used to make ointments that can be used to treat skin inflammations, burns and scabies, as well as various face creams that make the skin elastic, soft and silky.
- A good alternative to meat… Chickpeas have more vegetable protein than soybeans. Therefore, it is often added to the diet by believers during fasting and vegetarians. In addition, beans are very rich in proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates that a person needs.
Among other things, the beneficial properties of chickpeas are manifested in the following therapeutic effects:
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Saturates the body with energy;
- Helps in the treatment of skin diseases;
- Relieves back pain;
- Prevents regular muscle cramps;
- Improves brain activity and rejuvenates the body thanks to selenium;
- Reduces the symptoms of gum inflammation;
- It is used as a prophylactic agent for eye diseases, especially cataracts;
- Improves the condition of hair and nails, as it is rich in proteins, iron and calcium;
- Supports good potency in men.
Harm of chickpeas
- The benefits of chickpea for the human body are obvious, but it also has some contraindications that you should be aware of in order to avoid negative consequences.
Like all legumes, chickpeas increase gas formation in the intestines, so it should be consumed in moderation and it is not recommended to drink it with water, so as not to enhance this unpleasant effect and not to provoke stomach cramps. That is why chickpeas should not be taken by persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbiosis.
- Also, you should not eat ram peas for people suffering from poor circulation, gout, bladder ulcers, thrombophlebitis, cystitis and bladder problems.
- Adding chickpeas to your diet, you need to be extremely careful for those who may not tolerate this product and are prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, at the first intake of these beans, you need to eat a few peas and watch the reaction of your body.
The benefits of chickpeas for humans are simply invaluable. It is an excellent dietary, healing and nutritious product, enriched with an abundance of the most essential components for our body. The harm of chickpeas to human health practically does not threaten, if you use it correctly and in moderation.
Nutritional Information of Chickpea Chickpeas
- The nutritional value
Caloric content of 127 kcal
Proteins 6,3 gr
Fats 3,2 gr
Carbohydrates 18,3 gr