The marshmallow root called marshmallow in English comes from the marshmallow (obviously) whose different parts can be eaten. The roots of this plant arouse more interest for their medicinal properties.
In Greek and Asian cultures, marshmallow root is very popular for the treatment of bronchitis and other related pains.
Discover in this blog post the 7 benefits of marshmallow root.
Marshmallow is cultivated as an ornamental medicinal plant, for its emollient properties. It is cultivated either as a vegetable plant or for its roots.
Perennial herbaceous plant, it is from the Malvaceae family. Very widespread in Europe, it has other names: wild marshmallow or white mallow (1).
This large woolly plant can grow up to 1.5m in height. Its stem is made up of hairs and its leaves are made up of lobes (usually 3) with a toothed border. The flowering of the marshmallow is in July.
Marshmallow root is particularly interesting for its properties. Here’s what your marshmallow root is made of:
- Flavonoids including isoscutellarein: (2) Flavonoids were discovered in by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1937.
Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that have real effects in protecting the heart system and the body in general.
Thanks to the antioxidants contained in flavonoids, your body can fight against free radicals that threaten the body. It can also fight against infections of all kinds, strengthen its immune system.
Antioxidants are involved in the assimilation of certain nutrients in the body. They also allow the process of synthesizing certain elements.
In general, flavonoid antioxidants play different important roles at all levels of your body.
- Starch, also called starch when it comes from a tuber or root. The starch in the marshmallow root is a source of energy.
- Phenolic acids: Phenolic acids are brought into your body through food. They are present in the root of marshmallow. They have antioxidant activities in the body.
But beyond this antioxidant activity, it has been discovered that they ensure, among other things, the maintenance of the integrity of the vascular tissues which are the vessels, capillaries and arteries.
Phenolics contribute to vasodilation (important for preventing heart attacks), they also block the clumping of platelets to prevent them from forming blood clots.
These blood clots usually block the vascular tissue. They cause a heart attack or cause dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effects of phenolic acids, they fight against the multiplication of muscle cells around the arteries. This with the aim of limiting the appearance and progression of atherosclerosis.
Phenolic compounds also prevent the disruption of mitochondria. The disruption in the functioning of the mitochondria leads to inflammatory cancers, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease (2).
- Amino acids are a group of proteins. Amino acids play a role in preventing and protecting against certain diseases.
They protect you from erectile dysfunction, excess fat, diabetes, heart attacks, osteoporosis, premature aging, cholesterol, hair loss.
They also ensure young, healthy skin and quality sleep. In general, amino acids have roles at all levels of your body. Their consumption is therefore very important for your body.
- Polysaccharides including glucans: Polysaccharides are involved in the prevention of degenerative type diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. They work with polyphenolic acids in the body.
They are also blood thinners in the body. By reducing the viscosity of platelets, it makes it difficult or even impossible to accumulate these platelets in the artery walls. They are also involved in the regulation of immune functions.
- Coumarins: These are aromas contained in certain plants. In the liver, they are transformed into lactone to act on blood and lymphatic drainage.
They support the proper functioning of your digestive system. They have diuretic and detoxifying effects in your body.

The benefits of marshmallow root
vegetable rattle for baby teething
Marshmallow root is a great help when baby is starting to have its first teething. Extend it to bébé who will nibble the stick of marshmallow root.
His itching will not only sootheed, but this will stimulate the breakthrough of the first teeth.
Marshmallow root stick indeed contains softening mucilages. It contains coumarins whose role is to fight against bloating and protect the digestive tract.
grace à these aromas, your baby will have a more balanced digestive system. Do not worry, it is elastic, therefore reassuring; baby can’t break it while chewing on it.
While having fun chewing this root, baby’s gums benefit from the active ingredients of the plant which are released under the effect of chewing.
Superb moment of play, discovery for baby, but for you, it is a way to calm and soften the discomfort caused by the first outbreaks. Less crying and less stress too.
Instead of the plastic gels and rattles that are manufactured and whose real composition and method of manufacture are hardly known, the marshmallow rattle is best suited for teething.
There are a few precautions to take when giving baby marshmallow root. Only give him the marshmallow rattle if you are with him, and watch closely when he chews it. This is to prevent it from sinking the root into the throat.
Against irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized by stomach cramps, pain that subsides with gas. It is also followed by bloating, gas, mucus in the stool.
For some people, this syndrome manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, for still others in the form of constipation. Activities in the digestive tract are also noisy.
People with irritable bowel often feel like going to the bathroom.
Beyond the abdominal area which creates pain, some people have nausea and headaches. Symptoms usually appear after meals.
Little is known about the origins of irritable bowel until today. However, stress, poor quality of sleep and an unbalanced diet are likely sources of the syndrome.
Marshmallow roots, thanks to the mucilages they contain, are an effective remedy against irritable bowel syndrome.
Against crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease is an irritation, an inflammation of a part of the digestive tract. It manifests itself by diarrhea, pain in the abdomen. The disease affects any part of the digestive tract, but more generally the small intestine.
The causes of Crohn’s disease are not well understood. However in some cases this disease is inherited. People who use tobacco are at greater risk than non-smokers.
Crohn’s disease can lead to other complications including bowel obstruction. In these patients, anemia is noticed many times.
Marshmallow root thanks to its anti inflammatory, soothing properties can relieve your pain. Your seizures will become less frequent and you will feel better in general.
Against coughs and sore throats
In this study finding, the researchers state that marshmallow flowers and roots have been studied to demonstrate their actions against coughs (4).
Indeed, polysaccharides as well as other nutrients contained in the plant help to cure coughs.
The marshmallow roots taken in decoction will quickly relieve your coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, and canker sores.
For tangled hair
Mucilages are plant substances made up of polysaccharides. They swell on contact with water and take on a gelatin-like appearance (5). The mucilages in the marshmallow root help untangle tangled hair.
They also help to hydrate your hair fiber. Its viscous, slippery appearance will help you gently detangle your hair.
This hair sleeve will help your hair to slide against each other. They will not only be untangled, but the better they will become more voluminous.
In addition to untangling knots in your hair, they protect the scalp from dandruff. If you have a frequent itchy scalp, use marshmallow roots for your shampoo on a regular basis.
This itching will decrease and then disappear completely over time. These roots are very nourishing for your hair and prevent the appearance of irritation and other problems related to the scalp. Use them as a conditioner.
You can use marshmallow root powder for your hair masks. In a bowl, pour 2-4 tablespoons of powdered marshmallow root depending on how thick you want your mask to be.
Make 6 parts with your hair. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Apply the gelatinous mixture to the scalp, and hair, from root to tip.
Cover your hair with plastic wrap or a towel intended for this purpose. Let stand 1-2 hours of time before washing them. Your hair will become neat and voluminous. zero worry for brushing.
Against interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis (IC), also called painful bladder syndrome, is a disease of the bladder. It is manifested by pain in the bladder, lower abdomen, urethra and sometimes in the vagina for women (6).
The bladder becomes painful and people have the urge to urinate all the time. Marshmallow roots are very effective against this little-known disease which nevertheless makes a normal life impossible.
People with the condition want to urinate 3-4 times per hour all the time. The pain caused by the disease causes them to urinate more often (pollakiuria) for relief. But this relief is only temporary.
Make herbal teas from your marshmallow roots. The person should drink this herbal tea regularly. The mucilages contained in the marshmallow root have anti-inflammatory, soothing and softening effects on painful areas.
Marshmallow root also helps reduce redness and swelling, but also covers the walls of the damaged bladder. The examination of interstitial cystitis is hydrodistension of the bladder.
Against skin irritations
Marshmallow roots can be used to overcome your skin problems. In case of acne, pruritus or any other pimples, redness, use a cotton ball soaked in marshmallow root water to relieve yourself.
You can do a small face mask on a regular basis. 1 time alone is not enough for the expected results.
In case of light burn, consider marshmallow roots to relieve you
In case of psoriasis or eczema, think of the root of the mallow.
To fight against dry skin, these roots are also useful because they allow to deeply hydrate the epidermis.
If your feet, hands or any other part has been exposed to the cold for a long time and you feel pain, massage with mallow root water.
This will not only remove the redness, but also the pain caused. Thanks to the softening, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties of the skin.
Boil your roots, crush them and apply them to the affected parts (7).
For hair
You will need:
- 2 tablespoons of marshmallow root
- 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- 2 cups of water
- 1 tablespoon of rosemary essential oil
- 1 tablespoon of lavender essential oil
In a cooking utensil, pour your powdered marshmallow root as well as the water. Boil over medium heat for at least 30 minutes. Let cool and filter.
Use the resulting liquid and add the other ingredients to it.
This mixture will give more volume to your hair.

Recipes for dry lips
You will need:
- 3 tablespoons of marshmallow roots
- 1,5 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1,5 tablespoon of lozenges
- 1,5 tablespoon of coconut essential oil
Boil your marshmallow roots for about 30 minutes. Filter the resulting mixture and set it aside.
In a fireproof utensil, combine the marshmallow water with the lozenges, coconut oil and olive oil.
Boil over medium heat until all the ingredients dissolve well. Stir while cooking. When the ingredients have dissolved, lower the heat and pour the mixture into a glass.
Importance of the recipe
Our lips undergo several external attacks due in particular to wind, cold, sun, lack of hydration, tobacco, alcohol. These assaults cause gerçures.
To protect our lips from cracking, to avoid tearing the small skin on the lips or moistening them with our saliva, this balm is ideal.
Thanks to its moisturizing and antioxidant effects, your lips will be better nourished, protected and beautified.
Coconut oil is often used by stars to nourish their lips. Composed of fatty acids, it deeply nourishes your lips.
Apply this balm in the morning to face the wind, the cold which causes the aging of your lips. You can also put it on at bedtime to deeply nourish your lips.
Olive oil also contains fatty acids and plays an essential role in the protection of the epidermis in general including the lips.
The lozenges will give a feeling of freshness. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory effects thanks to their properties and the chlorophyll they contain.
The water of the marshmallow root thanks to its soothing, protective, antioxidant effects, supports the protection of your lips.
Recipes for softening face masks
You will need:
- 3 tablespoons of marshmallow roots
- 2 tablespoons of green clay
- 1 tablespoon of dried rose petal powder
- 2 tablespoons of honey or aloe vera gel
- 2 drops of mint essential oil
Powder your rose petals
Mix all your ingredients well in a bowl until they combine perfectly.
Rinse your face with lukewarm water so that the pores open. Take care to remove your makeup before applying the mask. Apply the mask and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes.
Rose petals have astringent, softening properties. They are important in the treatment of skin in particular to reduce inflammation.
Mint essential oil thanks to its antibacterial properties is effective in the fight against acne. It also has anti inflammatory effects. It is refreshing and will therefore bring freshness to your face.
Green clay is also refreshing and very important for face care thanks to its many properties.
Honey has softening properties and many more for your face.
As for marshmallow roots, the virtues have been mentioned above.
Marshmallow roots have multiple properties. To fight against irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis or to help baby get his first teething gently, marshmallow root will help you.
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