- How it works in the body
- The benefits
- Prevent bladder infections
- Promotes good cardiovascular health
- Purify the blood
- Reduction in gas production
- Immune system stimulant
- Cleanse the liver with this infusion
- Fight against bad breath
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Avoid water retention in the body
- Diuretic action
- Regulate glucose levels
- Promotes good digestion
- Recipes
- Side effects
- Conclusion
The evolution of the way of life constitutes a real danger for the health of the individuals. Many people discover at a very advanced stage an illness that they were dragging along.
Medicine has certainly evolved a lot, but it is still unable to help us prevent them.
To significantly reduce if not avoid the risk of disease, it is necessary to consume healthy foods, especially medicinal plants.
As such, lemon and parsley are two effective ingredients in the prevention and fight against many diseases.
Discover the 12 benefits of the lemon parsley drink.
How it works in the body
What is your parsley made of?
Your character is made up of:
- Water: more than 85%
- Beta carotene: Beta carotene is transformed in the body into vitamin A. Its roles include, among other things, the protection of vision and skin tissue (1)
- Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll helps in the body to improve the blood system. It purifies and stimulates blood production.
- Minerals including iron.
- Vitamins: K, C, A, B (all compounds of B vitamins), D and E.
- Complete proteins such as threonine, lysine, valine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine
What is your lemon made of?
Your lemon is made up of:
- Vitamin C
- Carbohydrates
- Traces of lipids
- Protein
- Minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and trace elements
To read: The benefits of the combination of ginger and lemon
Combination of apiol and citric acid
The active compound of parsley is apiol. This chemical component has greater effects when taken together with the citric acid found in lemon (2).
This parsley drink has multiple benefits that you will discover throughout this article.
The benefits
Prevent bladder infections
The bladder is a very important organ in humans. It allows urine to be stored (composed of water and waste) and to get it out of the body by stimulating the brain.
Malfunction of this organ causes serious infections in the body. The waste then accumulates, and the subject presents symptoms such as frequent urges to urinate, burning during urination, etc.
It is a situation which is not very favorable and which the patient must treat well. To avoid urinary tract infections and to languish under the weight of many pains, the lemon parsley drink could help you.
Indeed, parsley (parsley juice and also delicious) and lemon both contain vitamin C and trace elements that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
Thanks to the potassium it contains, parsley therefore has purifying and diuretic properties which allow it to eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract and therefore allow the body to eliminate toxins and excess fluid.
Cleaning the kidneys is not something to be taken lightly. So, drink from time to time, an infusion of parsley with lemon in order to always keep you in good shape.

Promotes good cardiovascular health
Obesity accounts for more than 20% of cardiovascular disease cases in the world. When you are overweight, the body consumes more energy than it expends. The excess energy is then in the form of fat in the blood.
People with excess fat are at real risk of cardiovascular disease because organs do not work well and fat is therefore not eliminated.
Blood circulation is not smooth and therefore the heart is not well nourished. The drink of parsley and lemon helps eliminate excess fat and therefore allow good blood circulation in the body. The toxins will be better eliminated.
To read: 10 good reasons to drink lemon juice
Purify the blood
The blood that circulates in our veins is mostly filled with wastes that the body produces.
The chemicals we take in through our food, the air we breathe, the drugs we take and more are sources of danger to our blood.
To allow the body to filter the blood, the body has its own filters, which are the kidneys, intestines, liver and skin. But sometimes these organs do not function properly.
To purify the blood, you do not need other drugs. Two to three leaves of parsley and half a lemon that you will infuse are enough.
By taking this decoction or herbal tea more often, you will be ridding your body of all the toxins present in the blood.
Reduction in gas production
Belly gas comes from a poor diet and is a source of abdominal pain, infections, poor digestion and bloated bellies.
These gases generally come from the food we eat, poor chewing of food, certain food intolerances …
To overcome this, an infusion of parsley and lemon will eliminate gas and reduce the volume of your belly.
To read: Lemon and baking soda: a detox cure
Immune system stimulant
Some people are in poor health. They get sick all the time because their immune system is weak.
The leukocytes are no longer in shape to fight well against the various external aggressions. However, there is a way to overcome this.
An infusion of parsley and lemon will allow you to provide the body with vitamin C and other nutrients that will help it strengthen its immune system.
Especially during attacks from bacteria and viruses, the body will then have the strength to fight and protect you. Your kidneys will then be in good shape to eliminate all the toxins.
Cleanse the liver with this infusion
In the process of losing weight, the liver is the most important organ. It cannot be neglected if you really want to lose weight.
When the liver is not functioning well, it causes the subject to gain a lot of weight. So this miracle juice of lemon and parsley allows the liver to function well.
Lemon contains pectin fibers which allow you to lose weight. Also, its citric acid acts on digestive enzymes, which allows good absorption of the sugars consumed.
Parsley contains potassium, magnesium and iron which help in the elimination of toxins and in the purification of the liver. Both contain vitamin C, an essential building block for digestion (4).
Fight against bad breath
Halitosis or bad breath is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria present in the oral cavity.
Sometimes it can become a real handicap for a person who suffers from it in society.
When the immune system is not strong enough to eliminate toxins, these bacteria proliferate and we know all the results.
The parsley and lemon drink provides the body with nutrients and vitamins that will help fight against this phenomenon.
Lower cholesterol levels
A large proportion of cholesterol in the blood is an important factor in weight gain. The majority of people who are obese have high levels of bad cholesterol in their blood which the body has failed to eliminate.
This situation can also cause many cardiovascular diseases. So in some cases losing weight equals losing cholesterol and that’s what these two ingredients allow you to do.
Lemon and parsley allow you to eliminate bad cholesterol from your blood and then allow you to lose a few pounds.
Lemon has antiseptic and antioxidant properties that help stimulate blood circulation. Thanks to its concentration of minerals, parsley facilitates digestion and the elimination of fat.
Avoid water retention in the body
Our body is made up mainly of water and always needs it to eliminate toxins and wastes from the body.
But a large accumulation of water in the body can lead to obesity. When hormones can no longer regulate the supply of water, obesity is the door.
To overcome this, the superb herbal tea of parsley and lemon helps to regulate this water content.
Through its nutrients, parsley stimulates the hormones that are responsible for this regulation.
In addition, lemon also provides vitamin C and active ingredients that eliminate this excess water.
To read: Drink lemon water every morning!
Diuretic action
Parsley and lemon both have diuretic and cleansing properties.
Parsley, for example, has flavonoid compounds whose actions are activated by a large amount of potassium it contains.
Apiol is a substance in parsley that is very beneficial for the kidneys. As for lemon, it allows your body to urinate frequently which is very beneficial.
For people with urinary tract infections or a problem with water retention, the parsley lemon drink is ideal.
Infuse two to three leaves of fresh parsley with lemon and drink this drink for your own health.
The action of this juice on your kidneys and on your bladder will not only eliminate toxins, but also lose weight.
Regulate glucose levels
Glucose is sugar that the body needs to function. Digestion of glucose releases energy that cells use to perform their various reactions.
But too much glucose becomes toxic to the body. This is the basis of certain diseases.
To regulate the level of glucose in the body, certain hormones such as insulin come into play to allow the body to use the sugar it needs and to reject the remaining amount.
Parsley and lemon contain nutrients that will stimulate insulin in the body to eliminate these toxins.

Promotes good digestion
When an organism cannot digest food well, it cannot eliminate waste and toxins. These accumulate in the body and in the blood and are sources of disease.
In addition, when carbohydrates and fats are not digested well, they can be a cause of obesity in the subject. The combined action of lemon and parsley provides the body with nutrients that will stimulate digestion.
The nutrients in lemon help stimulate enzymes in the liver and pancreas which will facilitate the digestion of all nutrients and allow their elimination through sweat, urine, defections and others.
The trace elements such as iron, sulfur and calcium, contained in this drink also promote good digestion.
A lemon parsley tea taken after each meal will help you relieve yourself and purify your body (5).
Lemon parsley herbal tea
You will need 6 stems well garnished with parsley
- 1 whole lemon
- 1 L of mineral water
- Boil your water
- Wash and throw your parsley in boiling water. Leave to infuse for about twenty minutes.
- Filter the drink and add your collected lemon juice to it.
Nutritional value
The effect of hot water will release the properties of parsley and lemon more quickly.
Lemon parsley smoothie
- ½ bunch of parsley previously washed and frozen
- 1 whole lemon
- 10 Cl of mineral water or a glass of water
In your blender, put the parsley and the lemon juice collected
Mix everything. Add the mixture to the water
You can take less water or more depending on your taste.
Nutritional value
This lemon parsley drink is full of detox properties to quickly lose pounds or clean emunctory devices.
Side effects
- The parsley-lemon drink stimulates the periods. The blood flow is more abundant. This is why it is not recommended for pregnant women to consume it.
They can consume parsley with food quantities, that is to say a few leaves of parsley here and there.
Apiol, an active compound contained in parsley, is abortive. It was used in ancient medicines for abortions.
Parsley was also used to treat amenorrhea and lack of menstruation.
- Moreover, since this drink thins the blood and facilitates blood flow, it is not recommended to consume it before medical surgery or in the two weeks following surgery. This is to avoid coagulation problems
- Before consuming lemon parsley on a regular basis, ask your doctor for advice if you are on anticoagulant or beta-coagulant medication. This is to avoid interference
- If you have kidney stones and are under medical prescription, ask your doctor for advice before committing to this drink.
In fact apiol, a chemical component, has harmful effects in large doses on the kidneys and the liver. Ladies therefore, vigilance in the use of this drink. Do not consume it for a long time.
Just enough time for your detox and you stop consuming the parsley-lemon drink.
Citric acid and apiol, two active components contained in the parsley-lemon drink, give this drink its multiple detoxifying properties.
Consume it at intervals without going beyond 4 weeks as it can have negative effects on the liver and kidneys in the long term.
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