Which of us, as a child, did not pale at the very sound of the word: drilling? Its characteristic sound sent shivers down the spine, and once we suffered agony in the dentist’s chair while drilling our teeth, then each time we wanted to avoid the dentist’s office at a wide berth. Today, such a nightmare vision is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Medicine is developing new, more friendly techniques of dental treatment. One of them is ozonation.
What is ozonation?
Ozonation is a modern method to fight tooth decay. Ozone therapy is a prophylactic procedure, most often used in children who still have milk teeth, which are most susceptible to cavities. Thanks to it, the youngest patients of dental offices can get rid of dental problems in a quick and completely painless way.
What properties does ozone have?
Ozone is a gas with strong antiviral and bactericidal properties. It has a strong oxidizing effect, destroying the cell structures of the battery and disrupting the metabolism of microorganisms. Before it was used in dentistry, it was used to treat wounds, as it significantly accelerated their healing.
What does the ozonation procedure look like?
First, an assessment of the severity of the problem is made using a diagnostic laser. The laser beam directed at the tooth causes the diseased tissues to fluoresce (begin to glow). Thanks to this, caries can be detected even before the appearance of a cavity. The treatment itself is carried out using a specialized device that converts the oxygen contained in the air into ozon. Then the gas is applied through a special sleeve exactly to the defect. For safety, the diseased tooth is tightly covered with a soft silicone cap. After the procedure, the tooth is covered with an antibacterial liquid. In addition, the patient receives a specialized preparation that should be used at home to maintain the effectiveness of treatment. This will strengthen the tooth and remineralize its enamel.
Speed, effectiveness and security
Whole ozonation takes only 20 seconds to 1 minute. The treatment is used for treatment of carious lesions in their early stages of development and sometimes as an aid in traditional treatment, in order to reduce drilling to the necessary minimum. The effectiveness of ozone therapy is very high. It is recognized that ozone eliminates 99% of the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Sometimes you can hear critical voices about this method of treatment, based on the claim that ozone is harmful to health. The fact that ozone inhaled directly into our body poses a certain threat. In the case of ozonation of teeth, however, specialized equipment is used that prevents ozone from getting into the respiratory tract. The gas is only used locally. Everything is done with 100% security. The child, on the other hand, can be saved from unnecessary pain and stress that we used to experience.