During pregnancy, we change both physically and psychologically. Figure skater, Olympic champion Tatyana Volosozhar tells about her discoveries related to expecting children.
Neither the first nor the second pregnancy was a surprise for me. Maxim and I (Tatiana’s husband, figure skater Maxim Trankov. — Ed.) were planning the appearance of our daughter Lika — we had just left the big sport and decided that it was time to become parents. The second pregnancy was also desirable. I initially wanted there to be no big difference in age between the children, so that they would be closer to each other.
But it’s one thing to plan, it’s another thing to get what you want. I found out about my first pregnancy shortly before the start of the Ice Age and could not take part in it, although I really wanted to. Therefore, I was rooting for Maxim from the podium. The second time, too, was not without surprises: I agreed to participate in the «Ice Age» and, ironically, already there I found out that I was pregnant. One day I just felt that something had changed in me. It cannot be described in words, it can only be felt intuitively.
This time I consulted with the doctor and decided that I would stay on the project. But she didn’t tell my partner Yevgeny Pronin about her situation: he would have been more nervous. Why cause unnecessary stress? I will immediately answer everyone who criticized and continues to criticize my decision: I am an athlete, my body is used to stress, I was under the control of doctors — nothing terrible happened to me. And even the fact that we fell once did not harm anyone. I’ve learned to fall correctly since childhood. Maxim also controlled everything, gave advice to Eugene.
During my first pregnancy, I did not give up skating almost until the birth of Lika. I decided to stick to the same line during the second one.
Rediscover yourself
Figure skating is a very tactile sport. You are constantly in contact with the ice, with yourself and with your partner. During and after my first pregnancy, I realized how different we can feel our own body.
The gait, the feeling of space, movement become different. On ice, this is much more pronounced. The center of gravity shifts, muscles work differently, habitual movements suddenly become different. You learn a lot during pregnancy, getting used to your new body. And then after giving birth you go out on the ice — and you need to get to know yourself again. And not with the one you were before pregnancy, but with a new person.
Muscles change in 9 months. After Lika was born, I caught myself thinking several times that I lacked those few kilograms ahead for stability and coordination.
Training has always helped me in everything. Regular ice and pool helped me recover quickly last time. I hope that now this way to return the form will work. Moreover, I do not give up training even now.
After all, expectant mothers need a muscular corset, as well as stretching. Sports generally cheer up, give a charge of vivacity, and water activities have a good effect on both a woman and a child. Even when I’m too lazy to do something, when I’m not in the mood, I make a little effort on myself, and the training acts like an «endorphin springboard.»
Find your «magic pill»
Sports experience allows me to avoid unnecessary worries. In general, I am a very anxious mother and during my first pregnancy I was often in a state close to panic. Then composure and concentration came to the rescue. A few deep breaths, a couple of minutes alone with myself — and I tuned in to solve problems, both real and imagined.
Each parent needs to find their own «magic pill» that will help to avoid unnecessary worries. Before the competition, I always tuned in to perform alone. Everyone knew about it and never touched me. I need these minutes to get myself together. The same tactic helps me in motherhood.
Expectant mothers want to foresee everything, to foresee. This is impossible, but life, both in anticipation of a child and after his birth, can be made as comfortable as possible. Somewhere to help your body, so that later it would not be painfully difficult — go in for sports, work with nutrition. Somewhere, on the contrary, make life easier for yourself by using gadgets and carving out extra hours for rest.
It’s important to listen to yourself. Do not dwell on yourself and your feelings, namely, listen. Do you want to take a break and do nothing? Try to arrange a break for yourself. Do not want to eat healthy porridge? Do not eat! And always discuss your condition with your doctor. And therefore it is extremely important to find your doctor, the one who will be with you for several months, will support you. In order to choose it successfully, you should listen not only to the recommendations of friends, but also to your own intuition: with a doctor, you should first of all be comfortable.
Unfortunately, it’s hard for me now to find an extra minute to relax — my figure skating school takes a lot of time and energy. It just so happened that the pandemic disrupted our plans, but finally its opening took place. I hope to catch up soon and get a good rest. I will be able to spend more time with my family, devote time to Lika, Max and, of course, myself.