Tambov branch of IRTC “Eye Microsurgery”: laser correction
Laser correction is an effective, modern technique that can rid patients of glasses and contact lenses. More and more patients and doctors prefer this particular procedure. Why does this happen, at what diagnoses does laser correction help, at what age it is better to do it, are there any contraindications for such a procedure.
These and other important questions were answered by ophthalmologist
Andrey Evgenievich will help you get rid of glasses and lenses. Clinic phone 8 (4752) 75-61-57
The principle of laser vision correction is to change the curvature of the cornea using a laser. The laser vaporizes or cuts off the required part of the corneal tissue, thereby changing its optical power. This focuses the image on the retina.
With myopia, myopic astigmatism, hyperopia, hyperopic astigmatism, mixed astigmatism. If you have been diagnosed with one of the above diagnoses, you have the opportunity to restore your vision and forget about using glasses and contact lenses.
It is even better to perform laser vision correction on both eyes at once to avoid increasing the difference between the eyes. In any case, the question of carrying out a correction for one or both eyes is decided by your attending physician after a full examination.
Best after 18 years (with myopia and myopic astigmatism). With mixed and hyperopic astigmatisms, it is possible earlier, but only for medical reasons. The upper age limit is not fixed and is determined by the state of the eyeball and the presence of contraindications.
The duration of the main stage of the operation is 5-7 minutes. Only the surgeon’s touch and sometimes a slight feeling of pressure are felt. Clinic phone 8 (4752) 75-61-57
The duration of the main stage of the operation does not exceed 5-7 minutes. Only the surgeon’s touch and sometimes a slight feeling of pressure are felt.
Laser correction should not be performed for decompensated systemic diseases (collagenoses), severe diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, acute infectious diseases, etc. Also, laser correction is not performed for the following ophthalmic diseases: degenerative and dystrophic processes of the cornea, cataract (depending on the stage ), iridocyclitis and other inflammatory processes of the eye, progressive myopia, glaucoma, with thin corneal tissues. During pregnancy and lactation.
In our clinic, if the patient wishes, the operation can be performed on an outpatient basis, that is, immediately after the operation, the patient can go home and come the next day for a final examination.
It depends on individual performance. But the general recommendations for everyone are as follows: for the first two weeks, it is advisable to limit visual stress and work at the computer, not to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools. Lifting weights over 30-40 kg is desirable to limit within 2-3 weeks. Light physical activity is allowed. You can drive the car the very next day (according to your personal well-being).
As a rule, in standard cases 2-3 hours after surgery.
Unfortunately, there are such cases. However, it is worth noting that deterioration occurs for reasons not related to the operation, but depends on the individual characteristics of the person.
It is necessary to limit the amount of carbonated drinks only for 2-3 weeks after the operation (no more than 1 liter per day).
There are no medical contraindications for laser vision correction during the menstrual cycle. This is determined only by the patient’s well-being.
Address: Tambov, Rasskazovskoe highway, 1
Recommended reading: laser vision correction – pros and cons