Lovers of sushi and Asian cuisine in general cannot imagine their life without soy sauce, but few people think about its composition. And it often contains not the most useful ingredients.
Take, for example, a list of ingredients for a simple soy sauce: soy, wheat, salt, sugar, water. Why do we need extra salt and sugar in an already overflowing diet with these flavor enhancers? In addition, soy sauce is only half “soy” at best: it is made by pressing soybeans to roasted wheat in a 1: 1 ratio.
Fortunately, there is a healthy alternative, tamari sauce. And it really is soy!
Tamari is formed during the fermentation of soybeans during the production of miso paste. Fermentation can take several months, during its process phytates are destroyed – compounds that prevent the body from assimilating vital minerals. Soy sauce is also fermented, but for this it is mixed with a lot of wheat, while tamari does not contain wheat (which is very important for people who avoid gluten).
This sauce has a delicate aroma, spicy taste and rich dark shade. It is high in antioxidants and very low in salt compared to regular soy sauce, and it is also much thicker. Unlike soy sauce, which is widely used throughout Asia, tamari is considered an exclusively Japanese dressing.
Buy organic tamari if you can. For example, this one.