5 ideas for the perfect (quick and tasty) salad

Vegetable salads are the staple of my diet. I was lucky, I just adore them, and do not stuff them into myself for the sake of health. Salads have only two drawbacks – they cannot be prepared for a week in advance, and the ingredients are not kept fresh for a long time.

To make my life easier by making the cooking process as convenient and fast as possible, and fresh vegetables and herbs – available within a week after the “wholesale” purchase, I equipped myself with some of the tools that I want to tell you about.

1. Bags for storing greens and vegetables… Not so long ago a good friend told me about them – and gave me a few packages to try. They did keep the lettuce, chives, parsley, cilantro, and dill for several days in perfect condition. Unfortunately, I did not find them in Moscow and brought with me an impressive supply from America. If you can buy them there, do it. Here is the link. For the rest, in the near future, we will arrange a competition, the prizes in which will be such packages!

2. Greenery washer. This unit not only washes, but dries greens well! I can’t live in the kitchen without this. There are different options, but the meaning is the same. They are sold everywhere, from “Azbuka Vkusa” to numerous online stores. Here is a link to one of these stores.


3. Nice board and knife for cutting… I just can’t help but mention this. On a large wooden board, everything is cut faster and more fun, and a sharp knife is less dangerous than a blunt one, which is much easier to cut. This is a well-known fact. I will not recommend anything specific here, choose to taste, fortunately, the choice is huge.

4. Vegetable peeling knife, which I use not only to peel, but also to make vegetable “shavings”, for example, from carrots, cucumbers and even, as one reader recommended, cabbage! This makes it tastier and more beautiful. You can buy, for example, here.

5. Ingredients for salads choose to taste, it seems to me there are no rules here. Mix everything:

– as a base: any lettuce or cabbage;

– for color and vitamin diversity: red and yellow peppers, tomatoes, orange carrots and pink radishes;

– for an additional vitamin charge: herbs, sprouts, green onions;

– as healthy fats: avocados, seeds and nuts;

You can find ideas for healthy salad dressings in my previous post here.

If you can’t go without salt, read about how much salt is safe for humans and what salt to eat in my post on the topic here.

Well, for inspiration – a link to recipes for my favorite salads.

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