Tall and tall

Fishing is an excellent anti-depressant for many. Everyone likes to catch, they do it in different ways depending on the season. Boilies for bream are an innovation for some, but as practice shows, this method is quite effective at any time of the year.

Bream habits

The bream belongs to the carp family, is a river fish that prefers to move around the reservoir in flocks. The menu of a river inhabitant is varied, in the bottom layers he picks up bloodworms, nibbles aquatic vegetation, likes to feast on buckwheat.

In order not to be left without a catch, you must first carefully study the preferences of this fish. The search for bream must be carried out:

  • from steep banks, where the depth will be sufficient;
  • bream loves irregularities of the day with abundant vegetation;
  • a muddy bottom would be a good place;
  • in summer, large individuals move into deep pits, often standing on riffles in search of food.

Juveniles often run aground to bask and may remain there throughout the day.

Various methods are used to catch bream, most often they are caught on a feeder or float tackle. Fishing for bream on boilies is no less effective; it is in great demand among experienced anglers. At the same time, real fish hunters do not buy the bait itself, but make it themselves at home.

What are boilies and their varieties

Boyle is called a round bait, which includes different ingredients. Depending on the components, the boilies will have a different smell and color. Boilies are used for catching peaceful fish, in our region angling of carps, often of large sizes, is carried out well.

This type of bait is distinguished by size:

  • for large carp, respectively, larger balls are used, 12 mm or more;
  • mini-boilies have a smaller diameter, up to 6 mm, and are an effective bait for large carp and bream.

Under the balls, special equipment is made, which will contribute to the effective catching of trophy specimens.

Tall and tall

In addition, boilies are divided into three main groups according to other characteristics:

  1. Sinking boilies can be of different sizes, their weight is quite large. Characteristic features are that when casting this type of bait, the tackle sinks to the bottom, including the hook. The catch of fish occurs during the period of its feeding in the bottom layers of water, but if a flock of bream passes higher, it will not be necessary to count on the catch.
  2. The floating view helps you fish when bottom baits don’t work. The finished ball on the rig rises in the water column, respectively, the whole tackle rises. We can say that the bait itself climbs into the mouth of the bream, swallowing the boilie, it also swallows the hook. On floating boilies, as practice shows, it is better to catch at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn.
  3. The dusty type of bait differs from its counterparts in that the top layer of the boilie begins to dissolve almost immediately after touching the water. The top of the ball creates haze, releasing particles of ingredients, which in turn attract fish. Separately dusting boilies are rarely used, they work great in tandem with a sinking look.

To enhance efficiency, equipment is often made with neutral buoyancy, that is, floating and sinking boilies are selected according to size. Such a neighborhood will help raise the hook from the silt, where the fish does not see it at all, but the tackle will not be able to float high either.

Popular do-it-yourself boilie recipes

The key to successful fishing is high-quality bait and bait, ready-made purchased options will not always be able to satisfy the exquisite taste of the inhabitants of the reservoir. This was the main reason why fishermen began to independently produce the required amount of bait with a certain smell and taste.

The composition of the boilie is selected carefully, the ingredients must attract fish, stick together and have a certain structure.

The nutritional component is usually represented by cereals: corn, wheat, semolina, rice. The source of amino acids are eggs, they are used for the preparation of nozzles of this type without fail. You can flavor and give a certain taste in different ways, at home it is better to use natural ingredients, then the catch will definitely be excellent.

The most popular are several types of boilies, the recipe of which is largely similar. Natural ingredients that give flavor to the bait will differ.


Among the many recipes, in most cases bream is caught on boilies from the liver. The structure and specific smell will not only attract him, most large-sized fish inhabitants will not be able to pass by such a bait. They are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 150 g of fresh liver;
  • 5-6 eggs, depending on size;
  • 3 h. l of honey;
  • 1 tsp dry garlic powder;
  • 50 g soy flour;
  • 250 g semolina.

The cooking process is simple:

  • the liver is passed through a meat grinder twice or beaten in a blender;
  • eggs are beaten in a separate container, honey, garlic powder and chopped liver are added to them;
  • dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed in another container;
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and mix thoroughly.

The result should be dry dough. In case the liquid turned out to be a lot, add semolina to thicken.


Balls with a pea smell are no less popular; the following products are used for their manufacture:

  • 100 g peas;
  • Xnumx g of semolina;
  • egg;
  • a tablespoon of corn oil;
  • tablespoon honey;
  • a teaspoon of glycerin.

Peas are ground into flour, semolina is added. In a separate container, beat the egg with butter, honey and glycerin. Next, liquid products are gradually introduced into the dry mixture and thoroughly kneaded.

Tall and tall


In summer, corn boilies are considered universal, they are prepared for all kinds of peaceful aquatic inhabitants. The ingredients are:

  • a glass of soy flour;
  • a glass of cornmeal;
  • 300 g powdered milk;
  • Xnumx g of semolina;
  • 2 tbsp. l. unrefined vegetable oil;
  • 10 eggs;
  • A teaspoon of any food coloring.

If desired, you can add ground sunflower seeds, flavoring and dye can not be added at all if homemade eggs with a bright yolk are used.

From the top

Sunflower seed cake has always attracted fish, boilies from it have a catchability too. They are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 10 parts of small cake;
  • 3 parts dry egg powder;
  • 1 part wheat flour;
  • ½ part sugar.

All ingredients are mixed in a dry form, a mixture of vegetable oil and molasses is gradually added. With liquids, you need to be careful, the dough should turn out to be elastic.

Technology of preparation

All boilies for bream have one cooking technology, the components have practically no effect on the process.

Preparation of the dough

Dry and liquid ingredients are mixed in separate containers. After these two substances are combined and knead well. An important point will be the rest of the dough, it is left for 20-30 minutes in a closed container or in a bag. During this time, the gluten of the ingredients is activated and the boilies will turn out to be the desired consistency.

Formation of boilies

The resulting dough is divided into strips, this begins the formation of boilies. Next, the strips are cut into small cubes, from which balls of the required diameter are already rolled.

Cooking or baking

To fix the form, it is necessary to treat the ball with heat. To do this, they are boiled in water or in a water bath, dusty baked in the microwave.


The final stage in the production of boilies at home is their drying. To do this, they are laid out on a clean, flat surface and left to dry completely.

Ready-made boilies are stored in the refrigerator or canvas bags in a cool place.

Tall and tall

Features of equipment for catching bream on boilies

Equipment for boilies on the feeder is usually formed in advance, the hair is considered the most effective. Even a novice fisherman can assemble it, and the catchability is guaranteed.

To assemble the equipment you should prepare:

  • hook of the right size;
  • sinker;
  • leash;
  • stopper for boilie.

The formation of gear occurs as follows:

  • a sinker and a hook are attached to the main line, the next step is to fix the boilie;
  • a leash is attached near the ear of the hook;
  • in addition, it is fixed with a transparent cambric on the bend of the hook;
  • the end of the leash should have a loop that is pulled through the boilie;
  • it is necessary to stop the boilie; for this, a special stopper or a piece of a toothpick is often used.

The result of such simple manipulations should be a ready-made tackle, which I throw upon arrival at the chosen fishing spot.

Boilies fishing technique

Fishing for bream on boilies occurs with the additional use of bait. But you should not throw a large amount of food, and the bait itself must be chosen so that it serves as a bait for fish.

After light feeding, you can cast the formed tackle, it can be one rod or several. The bream, located in the pond, picking up pieces of the proposed bait, head to the tackle, where there are home-made balls with an attractive taste for it. Having swallowed the ball, he will fall on the hook. The task of the angler is not to miss this moment and to correctly bring the fish out of the water.

Tips from seasoned anglers

Before catching bream on boilies, you should be instructed by more experienced comrades. Most are happy to share their experience and tell the subtleties of fishing:

  • boilies should be made independently of a small diameter, taking into account the mouth of the future trophy;
  • in addition, one more stopper can be put on the snap, which will be located in front of the boilie;
  • fishing for homemade balls can be carried out not only with a feeder rod, a carp will be an excellent option, some use a float for small specimens;
  • do not keep the bait with natural ingredients of animal origin for a long time, the unpleasant smell will not attract the fish, but scare it away;
  • using one rod, the equipment is made sliding, and fishing with several rods is carried out with a deaf one.

It is not difficult to make boilies for bream with your own hands, you will have to spend time, but you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

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