Get gorgeous slender forms with Billy’s half the blank: Cardio Circuits. Training based on a combination of movements from martial arts, increase your metabolism, destroy the fat and strengthen the muscles of the body.
Fitness direction Tae Bo was developed by Billy half the blank for the improvement and development of the body. For it was based on elements from Taekwondo, kickboxing, Boxing and other martial arts and martial arts. Training in the high aerobic pace, thanks to which you’ll burn fat and lose weight. The movements of Tae-Bo will help you to increase muscle strength and make the body elastic and fit. In addition, Tae-Bo can do and beginners: lesson is very energetic, but accessible. You can lose weight and improve your shape with simple exercises for the whole body.
Billy Blanks has released a series of workout as Tae-Bo, different in intensity and duration. Today we look at 2 of the complex, from which you can start practicing this effective and useful type of fitness. For training you will not need additional equipment, only a good and cheerful mood for blasting applications. Read more about the other advantages, read the article about the program tai-Bo.
Program description Tae-bo: Cardio Circuits
Programs Cardio Circuits 1 and Cardio Circuits 2 Billy offers intensive work on all the problem areas: upper body (shoulders and arms), lower body (buttocks and thighs) and chassis muscles (stomach, back). You will perform combinations of punches and kicks in different positions for assessment of all muscle groups. You will burn maximum calories and improve your stretch without any damage to the joints.
Training Cardio Circuits 1 lasts 35 minutes, Cardio Circuits 2 – 50 minutes. Of course, it is better to start with the short version. No complicated combinations in the programs there, so even beginners can start without prior preparation. But if the first time you will be hard to keep given Billy pace, just do the exercises at their own pace. Very quickly your endurance will increase and you will be able to do everything in accordance with the coach and his wards.
If you decided to try tai-Bo, it is possible to do as follows. First 2 weeks practice for the short program, a minimum of 4 times a week. The second two weeks, when you will master the half-hour classes, proceed to the second part. During the month you will achieve visible results: your volumes will melt and the muscles become more elastic. You can make yourself more suitable for your schedule, adding to Tae Bo and other fitness programs, such as:
- Top most effective workouts for thighs and buttocks
- Top best home workouts for abs
Start to form slim and toned body right now with one of the most effective techniques today – Tae Bo.