Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism, arthritis)

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism, arthritis)

Initial symptoms

  • benefits pain (or tenderness) in the affected joints. The pain is worse at night and in the early morning, or after a period of prolonged rest. They often cause a nocturnal awakening in the second part of the night. They can be continuous and have a considerable effect on morale.
  • Le swelling (edema) of one or, most often, several joints. As a general rule, the involvement is “symmetrical”, ie the same group of joints is affected on both sides of the body. These are often the wrists or joints of the fingers, especially those located closest to the hand;
  • The affected joints are also hot and sometimes red;
  • stiffness morning joint, which lasts for at least 30 to 60 minutes. This stiffness is attenuated after the “rusting” of the joints, that is to say after having mobilized and “warmed” them. However, the stiffness can return during the day, after a prolonged period of inactivity;
  • Fatigue is very present in this disease, often from the start. It can be very disabling and difficult for those around you to understand. It is linked to the autoimmune process and inflammation. It can be associated with a lack of appetite.
  • Fever may be present during flare-ups.

Evolution of symptoms

  • The more the disease progresses, the more difficult it becomes to use or move normally the affected joints;
  • New joints can be affected;
  • Small hard bags (not painful) can form under the skin, especially on the back of the ankles (Achilles tendons), elbows and near the joints of the hands. These are “rheumatoid nodules”, present in 10 to 20% of affected people;
  • Depression, caused by pain, the chronicity of the disease and all the life changes it imposes, can occur.

Other symptoms (not affecting the joints)

In some people, the autoimmune process of rheumatoid arthritis can attack various organs in addition to the joints. These forms may require a more aggressive therapeutic approach.

  • A drought of eyes and stuffy (a Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome), present in about a quarter of those affected;
  • An impairment of coeur, in particular of its envelope (called pericardium) which does not always cause symptoms;
  • An impairment of lungs to waist, which may also be related to or aggravated by medications;
  • Inflammatory anemia.


La rheumatoid arthritis often manifests itself symmetrically, reaching the same joints on both sides of the body. This sign distinguishes it from osteoarthritis, which usually affects the joints on one side at a time.


1 Comment

  1. MIna nginenkinga kubuhlungu lazingalweni ngaphakathi .Nala Kuma joyinti ezinyawo manje angazi Noma yiso yini isifo samathambo. Ngicela ukwazi ukuthi ngingasizakala kanjani?

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