Sweet diet for weight loss: video reviews
Many modern girls are constantly striving to lose weight. To do this, they use well-known diets. Most of the latter imply a strong restriction or complete exclusion of sweets. However, there are dietary regimens in which weight loss is based on the constant use of foods loved by many beauties.
Sweet diet: the result of losing weight
At first glance, this seems unrealistic: to lose weight without limiting yourself in sweets. However, the results speak for themselves. With the help of such diets, you can lose about 4-6 kg per week.
According to the reviews of slimming beauties, getting rid of excess mass will not take long. But here, too, there is a small catch: basically sweets diets are varieties of mono-diets. That is, only one product is allowed to be consumed.
For example, the chocolate diet is very effective. It should be adhered to for no longer than one week. It is allowed to eat no more than 100 g of dark chocolate per day. In addition to it, you can please the body with tea (coffee) without sugar, but with milk.
Some girls say that they use this diet as an express method. But not everyone eats dark chocolate, some prefer milk chocolate. But beware: a large amount of chocolate can cause allergies.
The second popular version of this diet is candy and caramel. It is also designed for a week, during which you only need to eat 100 grams of icicles per day. Coffee / tea is also acceptable and water is required.
The third version of the diet became famous thanks to the actress Uma Thurman. The girl is a fan of various goodies, and when she had to urgently lose weight after giving birth, she decided to give up everything except her favorite food. As a result, the star’s diet consisted of chocolate, puddings, ice cream, etc.
Uma Thurman very quickly threw off the gained pounds and demonstrated the perfect shape in the movie “Kill Bill”. But it is worth noting that the actress’s sweets were somewhat specific. For example, her favorite ice cream is popsicles, the puddings were extremely fat-free, and the chocolate was only bitter. The star did not allow herself starchy foods and constantly trained.
As practice shows, such diets allow you to quickly lose weight, which means that they are effective. To achieve maximum results, you also need to exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle. But keep in mind: these diets will not prevent you from gaining weight again if you return to your normal diet.
A sweet diet can be dangerous if your family has had diabetes. It can also cause allergies, severe herpes rashes. Remember: this diet is best used only as an express method.
On average, in a week of this diet, you will rid your body of about 6 kg. It is not recommended to follow such a diet for longer: you do not get enough calories, vitamins and minerals, which can be dangerous for the body. If you decide to try one of these diets on yourself, remember to drink plenty of water. Also brush your teeth after meals to prevent enamel degradation.
So is it possible to sit on such a diet all the time?