Summer hair care: 4 rules for thick hair

Summer hair care: 4 rules for thick hair

We understand the issue together with the trichologist.

Summer time of the year is considered to be one of the most beloved: long days, warm weather, light dresses and vacations. And most importantly, you can experiment with hairstyles! However, our hair can suffer from the insidious sun and other negative external factors. Observance of simple rules and well-chosen care products will help to protect the beauty of curls. Wday talked about this with an expert of Laboratorios BABÉ, a trichologist, a dermatovenerologist, vice-president of the Eurasian Trichological Association Olga Kokhas.

Expert of Laboratorios BABÉ, trichologist, dermatovenerologist, vice-president of the Eurasian Trichological Association

In summer, the work of the sebaceous glands increases. In the hot season, when the skin sweats under the influence of high temperatures, the increased blood circulation of the scalp causes the release of an excessive amount of sebaceous secretion. This entails clogging of the follicles and, as a result, hair loss.

3 “enemies” that spoil hair in summer

  • Ultraviolet

Ultraviolet rays penetrate the hair cuticle, disrupt the natural process of cell renewal and cause premature aging. Radiation from the sun makes hair dry and brittle.

  • Dust

In summer, dust settles on the scalp, which makes us want to wash our hair more often and before it squeaks. This is not worth doing. It is necessary to choose a mild product that will cope with the task of gentle cleansing.

  • Heat

Like the rest of the body, hair suffers from the summer heat: the pores work harder and secrete more oil and sweat. The situation can be resolved with the help of combined care. 

Basic rules for hair care in the summer season

1. Sun protection

After prolonged exposure to the sun, you may notice that your hair has lightened. The fact is that ultraviolet light destroys the pigment and changes the color of the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to create a barrier from the sun, for example, use a hat.

2. Proper shampooing

Wash your hair as it gets dirty to avoid clogging your pores. For example, you can use an extra-mild shampoo that gently cleanses, moisturizes and won’t irritate the scalp, and also makes combing easier.

3. Comprehensive care

Be sure to choose a comprehensive care to prevent breakage and hair loss.

A mild shampoo in summer can be used daily or combined with a shampoo for oily hair. Such a complex has a beneficial effect on the hair and maintains the necessary balance of cleansing and hydration. In case of hair loss, look for a special hair loss remedy.

4. Refusal of heating devices and proper humidification

In the summer, I would recommend not using a hairdryer, curling iron or straightener to give your hair a rest (especially on vacation). And hair oil, which attracts the sun’s rays, is best replaced with an emulsion or waterproof spray with a UV filter.

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