Sulfur in foods (table)

These tables are adopted by the average daily demand for sulphur, equal to 1000 mg. Column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for sulfur.


Product nameThe sulfur content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Egg powder625 mg63%
Milk skimmed338 mg34%
Milk powder 25%260 mg26%
Meat (Turkey)248 mg25%
Soybean (grain)244 mg24%
Meat (beef)230 mg23%
Meat (pork fat)220 mg22%
Meat (pork meat)220 mg22%
Curd220 mg22%
Cheese 2%200 mg20%
Chickpeas198 mg20%
Sudak188 mg19%
Egg protein187 mg19%
Meat (chicken)186 mg19%
Meat (broiler chickens)180 mg18%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)180 mg18%
Almonds178 mg18%
Chicken egg176 mg18%
Peas (shelled)170 mg17%
Egg yolk170 mg17%
Meat (lamb)165 mg17%
Lentils (grain)163 mg16%
Cheese 11%160 mg16%
Beans (grain)159 mg16%
Cheese 18% (bold)150 mg15%
Quail egg124 mg12%
Walnut100 mg10%
Wheat groats100 mg10%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)100 mg10%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)100 mg10%
Pistachios100 mg10%

See full product list

Flour Wallpaper98 mg10%
Oats (grain)96 mg10%
Wheat flour 2nd grade90 mg9%
Oat flakes “Hercules”88 mg9%
Barley (grain)88 mg9%
Rye (grain)85 mg9%
Eyeglasses81 mg8%
Barley groats81 mg8%
Buckwheat (grain)80 mg8%
Wheat flour of 1 grade78 mg8%
Rye flour wholemeal78 mg8%
Pearl barley77 mg8%
Groats hulled millet (polished)77 mg8%
Semolina75 mg8%
Buckwheat (groats)74 mg7%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade71 mg7%
Pasta from flour V/s71 mg7%
Condensed milk with sugar 8,5%70 mg7%
The flour70 mg7%
Flour rye68 mg7%
Onion65 mg7%
Corn grits63 mg6%
Rice (grain)60 mg6%
Flour rye seeded52 mg5%
Green peas (fresh)47 mg5%
White mushrooms47 mg5%
Rice46 mg5%

The sulfur content in dairy products and egg products:

Product nameThe sulfur content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Egg protein187 mg19%
Egg yolk170 mg17%
Yogurt 1.5%27 mg3%
Yogurt 3,2%27 mg3%
1% yogurt29 mg3%
Kefir 2.5%29 mg3%
Kefir 3.2%29 mg3%
Low-fat kefir29 mg3%
Milk 1,5%29 mg3%
Milk 2,5%29 mg3%
Milk 3.2%29 mg3%
Condensed milk with sugar 8,5%70 mg7%
Milk powder 25%260 mg26%
Milk skimmed338 mg34%
Sour cream 30%23 mg2%
Cheese 11%160 mg16%
Cheese 18% (bold)150 mg15%
Cheese 2%200 mg20%
Cottage cheese 9% (bold)180 mg18%
Curd220 mg22%
Egg powder625 mg63%
Chicken egg176 mg18%
Quail egg124 mg12%

The sulfur content in cereals, cereal products and pulses:

Product nameThe sulfur content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Peas (shelled)170 mg17%
Green peas (fresh)47 mg5%
Buckwheat (grain)80 mg8%
Buckwheat (groats)74 mg7%
Corn grits63 mg6%
Semolina75 mg8%
Eyeglasses81 mg8%
Pearl barley77 mg8%
Wheat groats100 mg10%
Groats hulled millet (polished)77 mg8%
Rice46 mg5%
Barley groats81 mg8%
Macaroni from a flour of 1 grade71 mg7%
Pasta from flour V/s71 mg7%
Wheat flour of 1 grade78 mg8%
Wheat flour 2nd grade90 mg9%
The flour70 mg7%
Flour Wallpaper98 mg10%
Flour rye68 mg7%
Rye flour wholemeal78 mg8%
Flour rye seeded52 mg5%
Chickpeas198 mg20%
Oats (grain)96 mg10%
Wheat (grain, soft variety)100 mg10%
Wheat (grain, hard grade)100 mg10%
Rice (grain)60 mg6%
Rye (grain)85 mg9%
Soybean (grain)244 mg24%
Beans (grain)159 mg16%
Oat flakes “Hercules”88 mg9%
Lentils (grain)163 mg16%
Barley (grain)88 mg9%

The sulfur content in nuts and seeds:

Product nameThe sulfur content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Walnut100 mg10%
Almonds178 mg18%
Pistachios100 mg10%

The sulfur content in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:

Product nameThe sulfur content in 100gThe percentage of daily requirement
Apricot6 mg1%
Eggplant15 mg2%
Cabbage37 mg4%
Savoy cabbages15 mg2%
Potatoes32 mg3%
Green onions (the pen)24 mg2%
Onion65 mg7%
Seaweed9 mg1%
Tomato (tomato)12 mg1%
Lettuce (greens)16 mg2%
Beets7 mg1%
Pumpkin18 mg2%

1 Comment

  1. It was interesting to find out that eyeglasses contain sulfur.

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