Sugar consumption modern man today exceeds the permissible norms that are safe for his health. This happens, as a rule, somehow imperceptibly, by itself. The reason for this is the frantic pace of life, haste, lack of time to even think about what you eat, let alone cooking healthy food. Let’s add here daily stress, frequent lack of sleep, overwork. And we get the rate of sugar consumption, component of 17 teaspoons per day.
Despite the already general awareness of dangers of sugar, we still cannot refuse it. Why is this happening? Let’s think about it.
Sugar harm to the body – colossal. It is a serious factor in the development of heart disease, type II diabetes, obesity. Immoderate sugar consumption provokes mood swings, drowns out the feeling of satiety, as a result of which overeating occurs. From it the skin deteriorates: it becomes dry, inelastic, prone to damage. Sugar increases sweating as the body tries to cleanse itself.
The harm of cane sugar like any other refined one – in that it can contribute to a set of extra pounds.
А sugar substitute, harm which seems unreal, has a bad effect on the body in its own way. It triggers the production of insulin, which promotes body fat.
And we continue to drink sweet carbonated drinks, order desserts, snack on cookies and chocolate bars. We do this because sugar causes a real addiction, which is 8 times stronger than cocaine. It causes our brain to release dopamine, the hormone of pleasure. That is why it is so difficult for us to say no to him.
In moderation sugar consumption provides nutrition to our brain, but in most cases it becomes difficult to limit ourselves. Sugar, harm and benefit which has been studied in detail today, is a product that needs to be treated with caution.
To give your body a break, try giving up sweets completely for ten days. Of course, it will not be easy for you, but these days may be enough to form a new healthy habit – thinking about what we eat. And in the future, it will become easier for you to control your need for sweets.