Step-by-step instructions for those who feel the first symptoms of COVID-19: doctor’s advice
The number of cases of COVID-19 is increasing. What is the reason and when is urgent medical attention required?
What to do if you feel the symptoms of coronavirus? Doctor’s advice
The increase in the incidence of ARVI and coronavirus infection is primarily due to the fact that the vacation season ends, people go to work, and the population in the city is increasing. Another factor is weather conditions: temperature fluctuations during the day in the fall become the norm. Hypothermia causes cough, runny nose. This situation is observed every year. According to Ilya Akinfiev, an infectious disease specialist at the city polyclinic No. 3 of the DZM, one should not panic, but one must behave with caution.
PhD, infectious disease specialist of the city polyclinic No. 3 DZM
Patient memo
At the first sign of ARVI necessary:
Stay at home, give up going to work.
On the first day at temperatures up to 38 degrees, you can do without medical assistance. Unless, of course, we are talking about children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases.
On the second day, if the fever persists, even a young man must call a doctor. A specialist will do an examination to rule out severe bronchitis or pneumonia.
At a temperature of 38,5 degrees and above, you should not take a pause for a day, you should seek medical help immediately.
Safety Precautions
An important point is the behavior of family members living in the same apartment with a sick person. It does not matter if the patient has signs of COVID-19 or not (it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of coronavirus from the seasonal cold on your own). Even when it comes to coughs and runny nose, one person should look after the patient.
Ventilation is required at least four times a day.
It is impossible to be in the room where the window is open, this will help to avoid hypothermia.
If the patient stays in the same room with the rest of the family, everyone will have to use medical masks. And if the patient is isolated, personal protective equipment is needed by the person caring for him.
Methods to help you avoid catching the virus during the cold season.
How to resist infection
Part of prevention is social distance, you can’t refuse to use masks in public places, it is worth remembering that it is ineffective if it does not cover the nose.
There is a contact route of transmission, so it helps to avoid infection hand hygiene.
During the epidemic season, it is important to keep an eye on diet, you can not start a diet or starve. Dietary restrictions are stressful for the body, as are exhausting sports activities.
Watch your weight – find a middle ground, strict restrictions and vigorous physical activity increase the risk of getting sick.
Speaking about nutrition, I want to focus on foods that increase immunity… These are honey, citrus fruits, ginger. But, despite their benefits, they are not able to replace drugs. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse the prescribed treatment and use folk recipes to combat the virus.
You should get a flu shot this fall, even if you have done without it before. It is advisable to undergo the procedure in the coming days, since the epidemic season usually begins in mid-November, and it takes 10-14 days to develop immunity. In a coronavirus situation, getting the flu shot is more important than ever. Unfortunately, it will not reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, but protects against cross infection… This is a situation when a person simultaneously becomes ill with coronavirus and flu. As a result, there is a colossal load on the body. This issue has not been fully studied, but there is already an assumption that with such initial data, a severe course of the disease cannot be avoided.
Another vaccine that should be given is the pneumococcal vaccine. To date, there is still no information that it protects against COVID-19, however, personal observations of doctors indicate that patients who have received this vaccine do not get sick with severe pneumonia and coronavirus infection.