Step 3: “Your enemy is inside and is called ego”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In chapter 3 of “The 88 steps of happy people” I invite you to learn to tame your ego to achieve inner success

As a result of the success of my books The 88 Steps of Success and “The Intelligence of Success”, I was interviewed by a huge number of media interviews. To be fair, a big part was not only because of the books, but also because of the accomplishments of my company In total, our team has counted more than seven hundred interviews, between newspapers, radio and television; and of all, both those that focused mainly on books and the method for learn languages in 8 months, there have been practically none in which I was not asked the question: «¿What is success? ». I always answered in the same way: «It would not be humble for me to impose my opinion as an author, since I consider that this question should be answered by each of the readers of my books. Now, on what each one defines as their own success, each book in the collection will give them 88 ways to get it».
The second part of my answer may not displease you, but perhaps the first part will, since I declined to answer the question asked. If so, I have good news for you. In this book I am going to get wet; and in fact, I will do it right now.
“Anxo, what is inner success?”
Very easy. I can define it in just four words. The taming of the ego. No more no less. Imagine these three situations.
A) You are with your car stopped at a red light. The traffic light turns green and the car in front of you remains stationary. In the first second you get frustrated. In the second, your frustration turns to anger. In the third, your anger turns to anger. And in the room you honk your horn with a high degree of alteration.
B) You attend a master class at your university. You love the speaker and are dying to ask him a question, but when you are about to raise your hand, you are filled with a long list of fears. You are left without asking the question.
C) Someone comes to tell you something horrible that your best friend has said about you. You go into a rage, you stage a drama, and you start listing all the things you’ve done for her with one goal in mind: to make as clear as possible how a victim you are of this “terrible” injustice.
Do you know how to avoid the three above disturbances? Only You will domesticando. If we were to do a worldwide test with these three situations, we would see that in all of them there are two groups of people: those who succumbed to the temptation to be disturbed and thereby destroyed their inner peace; and those who managed to overcome temptation and maintain their peace. And what differentiates the second from the first? Mastering your ego.
The ego and the essence, the part with more darkness and the part with more light, are two titanic and opposite forces that coexist within us from the day we are born. In that tension between them, sometimes we win the battle with the ego and sometimes we don’t. In the three previous cases, the ego won the battle to the essence. This means that, although achieving inner success is a lifetime’s work, and even that is usually insufficient time for complete victory, defining it is something tremendously simple: inner success is neither more nor less than taming the ego. , in order to lose the least number of battles. Why? Because the less battles lost, the more happiness, and vice versa.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
«In a sport, your enemy is out and is called a rival. In inner success your enemy is inside and is called ego »@Anxo
(If you have seen value in this Step 3, I invite you to photograph it and share it).