Star fruit, also known as carambola, is a truly exotic star-shaped fruit with a sweet yet sour taste. The fruit comes from the Malay Peninsula, is grown in some regions of Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and China.
Although the fruit is plentiful, carambola is still gaining acceptance in the Western world. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of star fruit. Research on carambola has shown its ability to increase levels of “good” cholesterol while lowering “bad” cholesterol. Carambola has been used in folk medicine in various countries around the world for various conditions. These include headaches, ringworm, and even chickenpox. For these purposes, as a rule, a mixture of leaves is used, as well as carambola root. Being a source of vitamins, in particular, A and C, the “star fruit” has established itself as an antioxidant, effective in the fight against free radicals. The fruits can also help in preventing the reproduction of cancer cells. Increases endurance, stops the development of ulcers. As already noted, carambola flowers have a rather sweet aroma, while they have antipyretic and expectorant properties. Thus, they are used in the fight against cough. The roots of the carambola tree can be helpful for headaches as well as joint pain (arthritis). If you can find this fruit in the market of your city, do not neglect to buy it.