Let’s say right away, if we decided to write about all the stellar fathers, well done, then the article would have turned out to be thousands of pages. Therefore, we took only the most famous ones. Tomsk daddies-stars who always touchingly and tenderly talk about their children.
Mikhail Bashkatov can be called the father of the year without exaggeration. Not only did he recently become a dad for the third time, but he also spoke about it so touchingly that his followers on Instagram simply flooded Misha with compliments. And recently he posted an even more touching photo in which, together with his older sons, he is assembling a cradle bed for the youngest.
Andrey Burkovsky. If we calculate which photos on Instagram of this actor are the most: work or personal, the preponderance, perhaps, will be towards the second. Andrey is an exemplary dad, a wonderful husband and an amazing son. With his posts on social networks, he admits that family is the main thing in his life. And a recent photo of the eldest son, who recently lost his first milk tooth, showed that the boy is a copy of the star dad! And how not to love this?
Stanislav Yarushin. Well, to be honest, the star of the TV series “Univer” is a Ural, not a Siberian. But Stas’s wife is from Tomsk. Alena Yarushina gave her husband a son and daughter, which the popular actor also regularly brags about on social networks. Indeed, his children are wonderful! And the video where Stas plays hockey with his youngest son literally blew up the Internet.
Ivan Lapin is a Tomsk actor, a former member of the Peresek folklore and ethnographic group. Ivan has a special relationship with children. And not only because he himself has a wonderful daughter, Sonya (whose success dad regularly shares with his subscribers), but also because Vanya works as a hospital clown. Together with the same caring volunteers, Ivan visits hospitals, where he entertains seriously ill children. And there is nothing more to add here. As they say, actions have already said everything for themselves.
For some reason, the actor Alexei Matoshin, as a rule, gets the role of bad guys: he plays a bandit, then an unclean policeman. The images are fundamentally opposite to the real character of Alexei, who in life is the happy dad of two children. Since February 2014, his social network has a status: “I have a princess, so I am a king!” Isn’t that touching ?!
Photo from discharge from the maternity hospital of the eldest son