Sports and water

Sports activities benefit the body and become a source of positive emotions, because during active movements, the happiness hormone serotonin is produced, the lack of which leads to apathy and depression. Fitness has become a hobby and a way of life for many, but not everyone knows about the drinking regime during sports activities. Proper use of water is the key to effective training and well-being.

Water for fitness and weight loss

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Athletes drink water during training in order to restore strength and make up for the loss of moisture. It turns out that active movements increase blood circulation, as a result of which the body temperature rises, and the muscles heat up. The body begins to cool the body, using the internal reserves of water that comes out through the pores to the surface of the skin. Naturally, the fluid loss must be restored, otherwise we will not be able to continue training. Many overcome themselves and bring the lesson to the end, and then suffer from poor health and health problems.

If you want to lose weight, while exercising a lot and drinking a little, weight loss can slow down, because the lack of water in the body slows down the process of burning fat. The fact is that when dehydrated, the blood thickens and carries oxygen worse, which oxidizes and breaks down fat cells.

The body, when the level of moisture decreases, hints at its replenishment with weakness, dizziness and nausea, so you need to pause in time and drink a few sips of water. During intensive training, lactic acid is formed in the muscles, if it is not removed with water, it leads to the appearance of painful sensations in the muscles.

Take water to the gym or for jogging, preferably filtered. Use a Fill&Go bottle with a built-in filter from BRITA. Ordinary tap water, thanks to filtration, becomes clean and delicious in it.

Only clean water!

water loses its useful properties under the influence of temperatures, and boiling does not guarantee purification from heavy metals. The fact is that tap water is treated with chlorine, which makes it much safer, but chlorine irritates the intestinal walls and destroys its microflora. As well as reacting with organic substances in water, it forms toxic compounds and carcinogens. All this, accumulating, can lead to diseases of the kidneys, liver and depression of the nervous system. Also, chlorine and organochlorine compounds give an unpleasant taste and smell to water.

The high content of magnesium and calcium in the water makes it hard, excess iron due to poor water pipes gives the water an unpleasant taste and smell, and various industrial pollutants are dangerous to health. These negative properties of tap water and its boiling can be avoided by filtration. But not all filters are able to preserve the natural benefits of water. Sometimes too intensive purification negatively affects the quality of water, as together with harmful impurities, it destroys useful minerals and trace elements. While the BRITA filter bottles purify the water from impurities, preserving its natural mineralization. That’s probably why the water from Fill&Go is so much fun — it’s alive, delicious. Delicious water is always at hand — no need to pay, no need to buy plastic bottles, just fill it from the tap and drink.

Drinking regime before, during and after training

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Fitness trainer Oleg Kovalchuk gives valuable recommendations to fitness fans:

“A couple of hours before sports, drink 0.5 liters of clean water — this is necessary to accelerate the metabolic processes in the body. Before warming up, it is recommended to drink another glass of water, so as not to lose strength too quickly. However, all these standards are designed for the cool season, in the heat you need two to three times more water. The higher the air temperature, the more effort the body spends on cooling and sweating, you need to help him in this matter. During cardio training, which includes running, aerobics, dancing, shaping, step, cycling and jumping, try to drink about a liter of water. If you do strength training and yoga, you are unlikely to need more than 0.5 liters of water, although it all depends on how you feel, the temperature in the room and your personal preferences. If you want to drink more-drink to your health!

After training, you need to make up for the loss of fluid — this is why you are weighed before and after classes. The difference in weight will show you how much water you should drink within two hours of completing your workout. Metabolic processes are running, fat burning continues, the body must be provided with everything necessary for full-fledged work.”

If you forget to drink, carry a filter bottle of BRITA with you and keep it in your field of view — it’s easier to remember about water and drink the necessary amount. The bottle can be carried empty (it weighs less than 200 g).

How to properly drink water during fitness classes

Спорт и водаUnscrew the cap of the Fill&Go filter bottle, draw water from the tap, and twist the bottle. The water will start filtering when you drink it. Coaches advise you to take small and frequent sips during training — this is the only way to quench your thirst. If you drink in one gulp, the thirst will return to you very quickly, so the invention of the company BRITA is ideal for sports activities. The Fill&Go filter bottle is made in such a way that the water does not flow out of it, but is gradually drawn out through a convenient rubberized spout. At the same time, the bottle does not need to be turned over, the water flows up the tube. This is very convenient! Especially when driving, when you don’t have to lose sight of the road. Drink at least a sip after each session — it will give you cheerfulness, strength and energy.

Do not cool the bottle in the refrigerator, as cold water during exercise is contraindicated. If an icy liquid enters the heated body, it can lead to severe angina. Also, do not drink carbonated water, it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and awakens the appetite.

Why Fill&Go Bottles are so convenient

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Filter bottles of the German manufacturer with a volume of 0.6 liters can be carried to work, for a walk, to the theater, museum, take to the country or on a trip. This is the perfect way to quench your thirst and save on buying bottled water.

“Even away from home, you can enjoy clean, delicious and fresh water passed through a high-quality carbon filter. One cartridge is enough for 20 liters of tap water, – says sales consultant Natalia Ivonina. — In a package worth about 500 rubles, there are 8 replaceable cartridges. In addition, the bottle is very light and compact, it fits easily in a lady’s purse and does not break, even if you drop it on the floor.” 

Using BRITA filter bottles is simple and comfortable, the most important thing is that there is a water tap nearby. It’s good when delicious water is always at hand! Want to try it? On the BRITA website, you can find out where to buy a Fill&Go filter bottle.

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