Sophrology during pregnancy
Sophrology allows deep relaxation. It is a tool of choice to better live your pregnancy, to apprehend with serenity the childbirth, and on the big day, to find the resources to manage the labor well and to support the birth of your baby.
What is sophrology?
Sophrology (from the Greek sôs, “harmony”, and phren, “spirit”) is a psycho-bodily practice of relaxation. To obtain this deep physical relaxation, sophrology mainly uses two tools: breathing exercises and the visualization technique.
This technique can be used during pregnancy and childbirth. Sophrology is thus one of the preparations for childbirth offered to expectant mothers. The sessions generally begin in the 5th month of pregnancy, but they can be initiated as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. The earlier it starts, the more pregnant women will be able to benefit from the benefits of sophrology, which requires a little practice.
The sessions are given by midwives trained in sophrology or sophrologists specializing in pregnancy. Carried out by a midwife, 8 sessions can be covered by the Health Insurance as preparation for childbirth.
This preparation for childbirth is particularly indicated for anxious expectant mothers. It is also a great tool for those who are considering a natural childbirth, without an epidural.
The benefits of sophrology during pregnancy
During the “sophronization” work, the sophrologist brings the future mother, with words dictated in a soft and slow voice (the “terpnos logos”), to become aware of her body and to relax in order to reach the “ sophroliminal level “or” alpha level “, a state between wakefulness and sleep. In this particular state of consciousness, the mind is more creative, the body more perceptive to sensations and the work on positive thinking is facilitated. The mother-to-be will be able to find deep bodily relaxation there but also draw resources from it to better understand the various daily difficulties.
Sophrology will thus help relieve certain pregnancy ailments, those relating to the psychological sphere such as stress, sleep disorders of course, but also all physical ailments also having a psychological component, such as nausea in the first trimester.
Sophrology will also help pregnant women to better experience their bodily changes and apprehend with more serenity the prospect of their new role as a mother. Pregnancy is indeed a period of profound psychological change which can give rise to concerns and anxieties. Sophrology is then a tool of choice to strengthen his confidence in his ability to assume this new role.
With the visualization technique, the mother-to-be will also practice visualizing a soothing image, a “safe” place where she can “take refuge” throughout her pregnancy to find peace during difficult times.
Finally, certain sophrology techniques, such as rocking, make it possible to create a bond with the baby.
Sophrology to prepare for childbirth
The principle of “progressive sophro-acceptance” will be used to mentally prepare for childbirth. It is a question of anticipating, step by step, an event in order to become familiar with it, to approach it positively and thus to gain self-confidence.
Guided by the voice of the sophrologist, the mother-to-be will train to experience the different stages of childbirth: the start of contractions, home labor, departure to the maternity ward, the progression of cervical dilation, ‘intensification of contractions, the baby’s descent into the pelvis, pushing, etc. These images, approached in a positive way, will somehow become anchored in her subconscious, and on D-day, the future mother will be better “equipped” to live her different stages.
Sophrology during childbirth
On the big day, the pregnant woman will be able to use sophrology techniques, and in particular breathing, to relax. In this “sophroliminal level” or “alpha level”, she will better understand the pain of contractions. With visualization, she will also be able to use her calming image to relax and recover between two contractions.
Thanks to visualization also, she will be able to “accompany” her baby by imagining it during the different stages of its progression towards birth.
3 relaxation therapy exercises for a peaceful pregnancy
Anti-nausea breathing
Lying on the bed, close your eyes. Concentrate on the feeling of your body on the bed, on the different points of support on the mattress. Place your hands, palms flat at the level of your ribs, then inhale slowly, opening the rib cage. Try to feel the freshness of the air that enters your nostrils, then diffuses into the lungs. Imagine this air invading your entire rib cage and pushing all the nausea sensations out of your stomach. Then breathe out slowly. Repeat the exercise several times.
The “heating” of the belly to relax
Standing with your feet firmly planted on the ground, place your hands on your stomach: one palm above the navel, the other below. Thus placed, the two palms will generate heat and “warm” the stomach. Inhale while inflating the belly, then exhale while releasing the belly slowly, without contracting it. Repeat the exercise several times.
Anti-marigold balloons
During a stressful time, isolate yourself, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply through your stomach and feel the different points of support of your body on your seat. Then, visualize a bunch of balloons of different colors, attached by strings that you hold in your hand. In the yellow balloon, put the first thing that worries you, bothers you, makes you sad. In the red balloon, one second. In the green, a third. And so on. Then let the balloons fly into the sky. Watch them drift away in the wind, and become little dots in the blue sky. Once these worries are gone, enjoy the calm within you.