Do you ever have a knot in your stomach when you are afraid? This relationship between the sight of danger and the reaction of your body is promoted by your solar plexus.
The solar plexus creates the link between the outside world and your inner self. Knowing how to relax this part of your body can be very important and bring you real relaxation throughout the day.
Find out in this article what the solar plexus, how to work and relax it.
What is the solar plexus?
The plexus is a network of nerves connected to each other that influence the movements of the organs to which it is affiliated.
The plexus actually directs the functioning of the various organs to which it is linked.
It is located in the pit of the stomach, it is a set of nerves that meet at a crossroads (1). The solar plexus of its scientific name is called the celiac plexus (2).
This plexus directs the movements of the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestine, pancreas.
It is located in the abdomen between the twelfth thorax vertebra and the first lumbar vertebra. It is shown in yellow as in the picture.
As a reminder, the lumbar vertebrae are those of the lower back. The solar plexus is different from the plexus of the respiratory tract.
Located in front of the diaphragm and behind your stomach, the celiac plexus controls and regulates digestive functions, nutrient absorption, and cleansing of impurities from the body.
The kidneys and the liver for example are the emunctory organs of the body, that is to say they cleanse the body of heavy metals, toxic products and others that we consume.
Beyond this physical link, le Solar plexus plays a role in the perception and reception of information over which it has control.
It receives the intangible information in order to transmit it in the physical body. It is also the gateway to the immaterial in the body.
The emotional problems we suffer from, the resentments are the repercussions of an unbalanced, poorly managed solar plexus.
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Other important plexuses in your body
The human body is made up of a multitude of plexuses, the largest of which are:
- Le plexus cervical : it is a network of nerves classified into three groups according to their role and destination.
The cervical plexus involves the anterior muscles of the neck, part of the shoulders, the anterior aspect of the thorax, the diaphragm, and the skin of a lower part of the head (1).
- The lumbar plexus: this nervous network is affiliated with the functions of the lower limbs, the genitals and the abdominal wall.
- The brachial plexus : this plexus is located at the base of your neck and in the posterior part of your armpits. The brachial plexus allows the autonomy of the upper limb.
- Le plexus pudendal : Also called the shameful plexus, the pudendal plexus is a set of nerves that control the area of the perineum, the external sexual organs.
In men, the penis and clitoris in women. The pudendal plexus is the source of anal and urinary continence.
- The sacral plexus: It controls the lower limbs and the genitals.
- The coccygeal plexus which controls the pelvic region.

Why is the solar plexus so important?
As we said above, the solar plexus is related to your emotions. It is the center of human will, of power, of the origin of the decisions we make.
It is also the seat of lack of self-confidence, resentment, things badly lived.
If we are afraid, if we are anxious, or if we are nervous, the solar plexus is affected. It is an energy center (3).
In traditional Asian medicine, specifically Ayurveda, we speak 3rd chakra. It is he who gives us strength, it is he who establishes our place in society, who reveals our potential.
It is also linked to energy, fatigue, in short to positive or negative emotions. It is the chakra of duality between internal and external choices, between internal and external interests.
Stress also comes from the imbalance of this chakra. Since stress builds up in the solar plexus, that’s also where the ulcer, the stomach ulcer, comes from.
It is therefore important in that (if we have bad experiences that we accumulate – stress, resentment, fears …), we are likely to develop diseases relating to the liver, kidneys, pancreas, digestive system and related organs to the solar plexus.
Managing your emotions well allows you to preserve your physical health.
In addition, the proper functioning of the solar plexus leads to a positive spirit, joy, cheerfulness, self-confidence, dynamism, constancy. It makes your nervous system stronger and it creates selflessness and responsibility in you.
How to work and relax your solar plexus?
This is the connection between your organs, your solar plexus and your emotions.
- The stomach is linked to the solar plexus. This organ in an immaterial way leads us to accept the situations that present themselves to us. The more we accept the things of life, the better we live. Otherwise, we are always dissatisfied, unhappy.
- The liver is connected with anger or with joy.
- The pancreas is associated with gentleness, tenderness.
- The spleen makes red blood cells. When people feel trapped, when they can’t express themselves, it affects their spleen.
In order for the solar plexus to have a good balance, you need to do exercises to relax it.
The bow pose
How to realize it?
- Lie face down with your body stretched out. Then bend your knees, so that your toes are lifted up to the sky.
- Stretch your abdomen well and grab your ankles with your hands. Keep breathing steady and calm. Above all, do not compress your back.
- Your head should be lifted straight up in front of you. The bust should also be lifted. If the position is well done, only the lower abdomen and the hips touch the floor.
Hold this position for about 1 minute.
- Another variation of this exercise is to lower your feet and support yourself on your palms, with your torso upright and your head straight ahead. Your arms should be well parallel and your toes on the floor should be stretched out well.
- To rest, spread out again, or return to the child’s position.
To properly prepare for the bow pose, do the cobra pose or dog pose beforehand.
The benefits for your body
The arch posture acts on the liver, kidneys, intestines and stomach. It also acts in providing blood flow to the stomach by stretching the abdomen.
This posture is energizing. It is therefore recommended in the morning. It also helps to evacuate negative emotions.
This is why it is advisable to think about love, happiness when doing the bow pose. After a difficult day or in case of stress, anxiety, practice this posture to bring more blood flow to the 3rd chakra to allow its relaxation. This will take away the stress.
The position of the cobra
How to achieve it
- Lay down on the mat with your whole body, face down. Keep your feet and toes stretched out (4).
Press down on your hands and lift your chest. Make sure your feet stay slightly apart and firmly on the ground. As you lift your chest, stretch your bust forward.
Benefits for your body
The cobra position allows you to stretch your bust. It acts on the solar plexus and the various organs which depend on it.
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The posture of the boat
How to achieve it
- Sit on your mat with your feet extended in front of you and your back straight.
- Bring your bent legs back towards your bust. Be careful not to round your back, consider bringing your weight forward instead.
- Then place your hands under your bent knees, so behind your thighs. Keep your toes straight out in front of you.
- Stretch your bust towards the sky.
- Lean back slightly, and lift your feet off the mat. Always use your hands to support the elevation of your legs.
Your shin should be parallel to the floor and your knees closer to your bust.
Stay in this position until 20.
- Another variation of this exercise is to let go of your hands and stretch them forward at your toes.
To return to the resting position, slowly lower your legs.
Its benefits for the body
This exercise allows you to work the nerves of the solar plexus as well as the organs under the command of this plexus.
Beyond the solar plexus, it allows you to work your legs, hips, feet and back.
It also stimulates kidney function and concentration.
Refrain from doing this exercise:
- If you are pregnant,
- If you have asthma
- Or if you are unwell (periods)

The posture of the warrior 1
How to achieve it
- Stand up straight on your mat as if you were doing the mountain position.
- Then do a wide gap with your right leg, your straight hands should follow the movement of your legs (5).
- Open your left foot outward so that your toes are at the front of your yoga mat.
- Bring your right foot (inward) in at 45 degrees.
- Turn to the front of your mat, face and chest straight forward.
- Bend the left knee, keeping it in line with the toes.
- Raise your arms to the sky, palms facing each other.
Inhale and exhale in this position.
- Finally lower your hands to the prayer position.
To rest from the position, take a big step forward, back to the mountain position.
The mountain position is upstream and downstream of the warrior posture 1.
What are its benefits for your body
This exercise promotes concentration. The position of warrior 1 allows you to work your solar plexus.
Breathing and meditation
To rebalance the solar plexus, consider inhaling and exhaling in a lotus pose. When you inhale, think color yellow, orange.
When you breathe out, think about the color green.
Breathe in and out through the plexus. Do this exercise for 3 minutes. Do it regularly to release resentment, stress, anxiety.
Do regular meditation exercises to release negative emotions.
Foods to eat
You need to consume the yellow colored foods to support solar plexus balance. As yellow fruits, you have:
Pineapple, lemon, mango, passion fruit, guava, plum, papaya …
Yellow-colored vegetables such as endives, squash.
The essential oils that support your plexus are rosemary, turmeric, chamomile,
The solar plexus is a network of nerves which influences the emunctory organs and the digestive system.
Beyond this physical aspect, it is the gateway, the link between the outside world and your inner world.
Too many influences, negative emotions can not only unbalance the solar plexus, but also lead to diseases in the organs attached to it.
Hence the interest in ensuring its good balance for good health and a more balanced, fulfilled, fulfilled life.