Social networks: a well-being tool for seniors?

While social media is considered dangerous for the younger generation, the reverse is true for the elderly. Indeed, spending time on social networks would allow seniors to improve their mental health and avoid isolation, according to a recent study.
Social networks, synonymous with well-being?
Researchers at Pennsylvania State University, working with researchers at Kookmin University in South Korea, conducted a study to improve social media settings to enable seniors to navigate there more easily. This new study was based on the data and feelings of 202 Facebook users over the age of 60, who interacted for a year on social networks. Result: surfing on social networks allowed them to gain self-confidence, improve the quality of their well-being, but also reduced their isolation.
Some activities are beneficial
Different activities such as posting photos, personalizing their profile or browsing the post thread would be beneficial for this generation: “ The publication of photos is positively associated with a feeling of capability, of autonomy, which is directly linked to well-being. “. Isolation is reduced through interaction with loved ones and the impression of exchanging more regularly. An essential tool during this period when physical interactions with loved ones are difficult.
« Much of the research on social media focuses on young people because they tend to be the primary users of these technologies, but older adults are also increasingly used to it and using social media more. So, we hope this study provides older people with ways to use social media to improve their positive mental health. »Explains one of the researchers.