Shopping has long turned into something more than the purchase of necessary goods. Without noticing it, we buy a lot of unnecessary products and useless things, wasting the family budget. So today we will talk about how to make purchases correctly.
Everything according to the script
A successful trip to the store always begins with making a list of necessary purchases. Do not neglect this simple and proven rule — it really helps to save money. Especially effective are special applications for smartphones that allow you to calculate the total amount of purchases up to a penny in advance. And in order not to have a desire to deviate from the planned plan, take with you only the amount that you need. Well, maybe with a small margin.
The right way
How to buy products in the store? Take a basket on wheels at the entrance instead of a cart. The sight of a half-empty cart subconsciously stimulates the desire to fill it. You’ve probably noticed that basic necessities like bread, eggs, or milk are located at a sufficient distance from each other in the shopping area. In the search, a person is forced to go around the rows with other goods, often taking along the way what he did not intend to buy. Don’t fall for this trick.
Invisible power
Teasing aromas, and sometimes pleasant background music — another simple trick. A fragrant bakery and a rotating grill with ruddy meat awaken the appetite and make you buy more. That is why you should not go to the hypermarket on an empty stomach in any case. Unobtrusive relaxing music only increases the good mood and the desire to treat yourself to something delicious. Your own music in the player will protect you from “hypnosis sessions”.
Fishing for bait
The notorious red and yellow price tags — that’s how we are forced to buy the most unnecessary things and food. Generous discounts create an imaginary sense of profit, and we buy even those products that we do not particularly need. Most often, these are products with an expiring expiration date or non-tradable goods. True, sometimes the shares are really justified, but before you make a spontaneous purchase, you should carefully look around, study the entire range and estimate the need for a potential purchase in the farm. However, the tricks can be more subtle. Low prices for some products pay off with inflated prices for others. As a result, we do not save, but overpay.
Pitfalls of hypermarkets
You should not indiscriminately take goods from special calculations, which are located in the course of movement in the trading halls. The same goes for the “golden” shelves at eye level. Here they display well-known products with a mark-up or, conversely, cheap ones that you need to get rid of. You should avoid “best-priced” products and useless little things like chocolate bars and chewing gum, which are usually waiting for us in the checkout line. And, of course, you need to pay attention to the expiration dates.
Bounty Attraction
Sales and promotions in the spirit of “Black Friday” promise extraordinary benefits. In fact, they are misleading. A couple of weeks before the promotion, the prices of goods are often inflated, after which supposedly generous discounts are offered. Gift bonuses on the card are also a trick, not without a catch. They always have a limited validity period. In addition, at the time of the promotion, there are often only expensive products in the store that will not pay off with bonuses alone.
Revision with bias
How to stop buying unnecessary things in clothing stores? First you need to arrange a thorough revision in the wardrobe. Find out what things you really do not have enough, and which are gathering dust on the hangers for several seasons. Remember how much it cost you to buy another pair of jeans or a blouse that you have worn only a couple of times. Such a simple calculation is sobering and discourages the desire to spend money on spontaneous new clothes.
Positive attitude
If you are determined to update your wardrobe, go to the store only in a good mood. Shopping in a bad mood can turn into an additional disorder. Try to get out to the shopping centers on the morning of the weekend or take a couple of hours during the working week. When going to the store, wear comfortable clothes that can be removed quickly and easily. This will facilitate the fitting process and get rid of unnecessary reasons for irritation.
Suitable company
How not to buy too much in the store, always tell trusted friends. However, only those of them who can really give good advice and keep you from reckless spending. But you should definitely not take your husband and children with you. It is better to leave the spouse to himself. The child can be left in the game room or under the strict supervision of relatives. Capricious children are the most convenient object for the manipulation of trouble-free parents.
Rest therapy
If you are going to have a long and thorough shopping, it is more reasonable to divide it into several stages. A long shopping trip is very exhausting and rarely gives the desired result. So take a short break and treat yourself to some nice little thing. Drink a cup of refreshing coffee in the nearest cafe, and if you are hungry, be sure to have a snack. With fresh energy, finding the shoes or dress of your dreams is much easier.
We hope that these simple recommendations gave an answer to the question of how not to buy unnecessary things. Do you have your own secrets of successful purchases? Be sure to share them in the comments with all the readers of “Healthy Food Near Me”.