Tips for having a flat stomach all summer long!
A belly that is too plump is very often synonymous with overeating. Especially in women, because fat has a tendency to nestle there quickly! But there are also other culprits: poor digestion, an abdominal strap that is too loose or even poorly performed abs. Follow our plan of attack.
Rebalance your diet
You are not going to go on a diet during the holidays, but adopt good eating habits by limiting fatty and sugary products. Are you bloated after the meal? Cut down on hard-to-digest foods. Like raw vegetables, dairy products, legumes or white bread. And to have a flat stomach, choose the right products. Artichoke or black radish boost digestion. Plums, prunes, lettuce and spinach improve transit. Asparagus, cucumbers and bananas help fight water retention. Eggplant decreases bloating. Think of melons and watermelon, fruits full of water, ideal for giving an impression of satiety. Bet on whole foods (rice, pasta, bread, etc.). Richer in fiber, they are also more appetite suppressant. Finally, drink enough water, it’s essential to hydrate yourself in hot weather, but it also helps to have a good transit and to prevent constipation. Better to avoid carbonated drinks which tend to bloat.
Concrete abs
Take advantage of sunny days to swim. Swimming is one of the best sports for having a flat stomach. But to be effective and to work the entire abdominal strap, you have to vary the strokes: front, back, breaststroke, crawl… As well as exercises with a plank, sausages between the thighs… And to build your abs in complete safety, practice core exercises. The best of the best is the board. As a bonus, you also work the shoulders, the glutes, the front of the thighs. Lying face down and resting on your forearms and feet (or knees if that’s easier), contract your perineum – as if you were holding back from urinating – and don’t dig your back. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Take a break, then start over. To repeat during the day to reach 5 minutes divided into several times. Then, bet on yoga or Pilates, sports that strengthen the abdominal strap gently and deeply.. The right pace: 45 minutes per week. In addition, do cardio to dislodge fat, such as Zumba®, cycling, running … The pace must be intense enough to sweat after 5 to 10 minutes of effort.
1, 2, 3, breathe!
In summer, the weather is fine, we take our time and we are less stressed. But don’t forget the tips for breathing well. Because stress is often responsible for bloating. To be zen, try relaxation therapy or meditation. Through deep breathing and relaxation techniques, you release tension, especially in the stomach. Suddenly, you digest better, and goodbye bloating! Finally, to gain your waist, practice abdominal breathing for 5 minutes a day. A great way to effortlessly strengthen the transverse and small obliques – deep muscles. Standing, sitting or lying in a lounger, inhale deeply and block your breathing. Contract your perineum hard and breathe out fully. Hold this posture for a few seconds, then breathe normally and release everything. Repeat several times.