Sexo: after baby, the sensations change!

Amandine’s testimony: “Since I became a mother, I have discovered new sensations”

“After my second pregnancy, I started to really feel like a ‘woman’ when I didn’t before. At the time, I had a rather skinny body. I weighed 49 kg, with a very small chest. I was super self-conscious. During my pregnancies, I was not well. We hardly had sex because I had a lot of contractions and I didn’t have the mind to that. After these two pregnancies, I took shape and started to like myself. My little 75 A has become a pretty 90 B. Thanks to these more feminine shapes, my husband’s look has changed too. Today, he even desires me more than before!


It was his gaze on me that allowed me to better appreciate my body. My husband helped me accept it. I gained confidence, not hesitating to become a driving force in seduction! For example, I started shopping for coordinating underwear, thinking how happy he would be to see me in this outfit. He even came to shop with me to buy lingerie, something we would never have done before! Even moments of transition, such as in the morning before waking up the children or in the evening, are more often eroticized: I no longer hesitate to show myself in undress instead of hiding to dress for example.

In terms of physical relationships, I have the impression of having gained in sensitivity. My body having changed, I discover new sensations. I am more receptive. Before, I was not turned on by the caresses on the breasts, now I am. Likewise, I dare more things. And above all, we make love more often! Before, it was about twice a month and I didn’t necessarily like it. I was so uncomfortable in my body that it blocked me. I was in pain and hardly enjoyed myself. Now, I feel so much more fulfilled with my new body, that it is rather done three times a week and the pleasure is really there! We also talk a lot more than before: what we like, what we would like… We have both really gained in quality in our intimate relationships! “

Amandine, mother of two children aged 6 and 3

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